Day 1 of Creation Activities

Day 1 of Creation Activities

Our Day 1 of Creation Activities will create a meaningful lesson for your students. Kids learn best when there are multiple facets of the same material presented. Some of us appreciate visuals, some auditory, while others retain information better with a hands-on activity. Read on to find out how we present God’s creation on Day 1.

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Day 1 of Creation Printable

You can choose to use these activity sheets two ways. First, you could just use the 3rd and 4th page as coloring sheets. Sometimes, keeping it simple is best. The other option is to print the 1st and 2nd sheets out. Encourage your student to color the 2nd sheet with the “Light” side yellow and the “Darkness” side gray to represent the separation of light and darkness. Next, your student can color the Earth on the 1st page and cut it out. Next, have your student paste the Earth in the center of the 2nd sheet. I put different versions of this sheet to accommodate for age appropriateness.


Day 1 of Creation Craft

On day 1, God created the heaven, the earth, and separated light from darkness. In years past, the older kids and I did a number of different activities to represent the 1st day of creation. You can certainly find a variety of options to suit you and yours by just doing a lite search on the web. This is the craft we chose to do this time around. It is a variation of crafts we have done previously. The materials list includes: white cupcake liners, foam plates, green & blue food coloring, black construction paper, and adhesive. 

First, wet a white cupcake liner to flatten it out on a foam plate. We dabbed ours with a white napkin.

Next, put about 3-5 drops of each blue and green food coloring onto the liner. 

Now, here comes the water! Using a sprayer, spray about 3 squirts onto the cupcake liner. Watch the colors disperse!

To make sure the earth form is covered, we used a napkin to blot it. Afterwards, we left ours out in the sun to dry for a bit. 

Once dried, we taped our earth form to the back of a sheet of black construction paper that had a hole already cut out of it. I used a small foam cup to trace the circle that was cut out of it. After, the kids glued their scripture verse to the bottom. Lastly, we hung our Day 1 Creation Craft in the window.

Try using a white coffee filter and a full sheet of construction paper. 🙂 

The cool thing about this craft is how the sun shines through the translucent earth form and not through the dark black construction paper. Even though the Bible verse featured does not make mention of God separating light from darkness, we discuss this after we put our finished craft up in the window for the light to shine through. 

Light vs. Darkness Demonstration

The light versus darkness demonstration is memorable and easy to implement. All you need is a candle and a glass jar with a lid. I like to find a closet or bathroom with no windows for my kids and I to cram into. After squeezing into our small space, we talk about how God separated light from darkness. This is a perfect time to remind them that Jesus says in His word that He is the light of the world and if we follow Him we will not walk in darkness. (John 8: 12) Light your candle making sure to leave the lid off of the jar. Next, we read the verses Matthew 5: 14-16.

If we are followers of Christ, who is the light of the world, then we too are to shine that light so others may see His glory. We are to point those in the darkness to the One that can show them the way. After reading these verses, we shut the door so that we are in darkness with the exception of the candle. It’s amazing how much of the space is illuminated by the little candle. As Christians, we are to be like that one lone candle. Imagine if we joined our light with other Christians. How lit up would the darkness in the room be if we added another candle? What about two more? We have a great discussion about light versus darkness. Moths are even discussed… 🙂 

In the end, I talk to the kids about how it is that we are to radiate light. I remind them about Moses glowing after being with God on Mount Sinai. For us to shine our light, we must spend time and have access to the light giver… Jesus. What happens to our light when we stop spending time with Jesus? This is about the time we close the lid to the jar. It doesn’t take too long for the flame of the candle to go out. This is because fire needs oxygen to burn. If oxygen is cut off from a fire, it will die out. The same is true of Christians light. If we do not spend time with the light giver, we won’t have any light to shine. 🙂

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