If you are looking for a crafty art project for the kids, create the M&M Suncatcher! Original and so cool! Check out the M&M Suncatcher Art Project!
Alright! Let’s get started. The M&M Suncatcher Art Project requires a few simple items most of us have around our home with the exception of the M&M’s. I must admit I don’t usually have those readily available… so drop in the corner store and pick up a bag or two!
Supplies: Water spray bottle, coffee filter, M&M’s, glass plate, construction paper, and glue or tape.
*parchment paper is a maybe
First, the girls tried to flatten the coffee filter on the plate, but to no avail it kept popping up. We could have sprayed it with some water, but it really wasn’t a big deal. Next, they started putting M&M candies randomly all over the top. I would say about 20-30 different candies. There really is no rhyme or reason. Just try not to have large gaps or else your suncatcher will lack color.
Once your coffee filter has M&M’s spread out all over it, squirt water all over the coffee filter and M&M candies. You do not want to drench it, just dampen it. I would say about 8 or so squirts. The coffee filter and the candies need to be wet enough for the coloring on the M&M to dissolve off onto the coffee filter, but not soaked.
This next part is the stage that is mesmerizing for little eyes. The process happens slowly, but before you know it, the color from the M&M’s has seeped into random paths all over the coffee filter. You would have to sit for quite some time to watch the whole process. We kept the M&M Suncatcher Art Project in the middle of the table so that we could keep running over and looking for new developments!
IF YOU LET YOUR M&M SUNCATCHER ART PROJECT DRY ON THE PLATE, IT WILL STICK like ours did! So, with that being said, we had to make another suncatcher. On the second time around, we used parchment paper underneath the coffee filter which allowed us to pull it up freely from the plate! If you think you might leave your project too long, put parchment paper underneath it. You will be happy you did!
Once the colors have dispersed all around your coffee filter, take the M&M’s off and let completely dry.
I helped the girls cut out open center circles for their suncatcher to go in. You could also cut a hole out of a paper plate or hang it with string. With a little creativity, I’m sure you will find the right way to finish it off!
Look at how pretty it turns out! My youngest really loved it. We hung our M&M Suncatcher Art Projects in the window near the dining room table. The suncatcher is a unique craft that sparks interest and thinking! Happy learning!
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