These Sense of Touch Texture Worksheets are ideal for any five senses unit study. There are several texture lab variations, which makes this set of printables a perfect download. It is nice to have the ability to pick and choose the worksheet that works best for you and your students. Read on to find out how we implemented the texture worksheet into our classroom! You can find more Five Senses resources including printable activities, videos, and labs in our Five Sense Unit Study.
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Most recently, I used this particular texture lab worksheet for a class of multi-age students. Before implementing it, the students and I explored the texture of various objects. The students felt items such as soap, coal, limestone, feathers, and more. This allowed us to discuss texture words like smooth, spiky, and slippery. It was the perfect introduction to texture.
Afterward, the students were then given a bag of 7 items and their Sense of Touch Texture Worksheet. Next, the students were challenged to place the items inside the correct texture hand on their worksheet. For example, a piece of sandpaper was glued into the hand that read, “rough.” Further items we used were a cotton ball (fluffy), pom pom (fuzzy), felt (soft), cabinet liner (bumpy), wax paper (smooth), and a button (hard). Finally, I gave them each a piece of 2-sided tape to add to their sticky hand. In the end, this was the perfect hands-on activity for studying the sense of touch!
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