Free Thanksgiving Emergent Readers

Free Thanksgiving Emergent Readers

Take a look at these 3 FREE Thanksgiving Emergent Readers! I love that they have repetitive sentence structure and that they encourage my student to practice their sight words and phonics. Emergent readers are easy, effective, and students love being able to color and doodle in them. Visit our whole collection of emergent readers here and make sure to check out our other Thanksgiving printables on this post.

*Looking for more Thanksgiving Emergent Readers? You can download all 6 of our Thanksgiving Emergent Readers here!

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How to print these FREE Thanksgiving Emergent Readers...

It is easy to print our emergent readers. When you download the PDF, you will find each page of the reader as a whole sheet of paper. So, to create a handheld size reader, change the settings on your printer to print 2 pages per sheet. This will print your book pages into half a page size sheets. Next, you will cut your sheets in half. I love our paper cutter. It has gotten so much use over the years and has been worth every cent! Lastly, put the pages in order and staple. Voila! You have an emergent reader!

3 FREE Thanksgiving Emergent Readers...

There are 3 emergent readers. The first one is called Tom the Turkey and focuses on positional words using Tom the Turkey. It has 11 pages and features the sight words, look, the, is, and a.

Our second Thanksgiving reader is all about colors. This one in particular is perfect for students to color and practice their color words. It also repeats the sight words, did, you, see, and that.

The third reader starts with five turkeys and on each page takes one away. Besides the number words 1-5, the repetitive words in this book include went, away, and are.

Check out our other Resources!

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