This video shows lots of different types of spiders and a fact for each spider. We enjoyed seeing the spiders along with their names. Cool.
This Spiders Unit Study has everything you need to create a fun, educational, and creepy lesson! Between the Spiders slideshow, guided notes, craft, life cycle of a spider graphic organizers, and videos, we learned all the basics about spiders. The best thing about our Spiders Unit Study is that there is something for everyone! Both my preschooler and 5th grader enjoyed it but for different reasons. Take a look for yourself to see if the spiders unit study is for you! Be sure to check out our other science units and resources including our Bird Unit Study.
*If you are a teacher, you can download the Spider Pack here that includes an editable PowerPoint presentation!
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Spiders are creepy creatures that are also eerily interesting. This slideshow features some basic information about spiders. What is a spider scientifically? How many species of spiders are there? What is venom? What does the life cycle of a spider look like? You can download an editable version of this PowerPoint here.
The Spiders Guided Notes follow along seamlessly with the Spiders slideshow and PowerPoint. These notes create an effective and functional class activity. Scaffolding notes are known for helping students retain and grasp information.
This set of graphic organizers provides a simple way to reiterate the life cycle of a spider and reinforce comprehension. You can choose which graphic organizer works best for your student. The first two pages of the set are posters of the Life Cycle of a Spider. There are 3 graphic organizers that follow. Each graphic organizer is geared toward a different learning level. I would encourage using the slideshow provided above as an introduction or reading a book about spiders prior to this activity.
If you have never read Charlotte’s Web by E.B. White– now is the time. We actually listened to it on audio tape in the van. What a treat! We all loved it. This book would be a perfect read aloud to all the kids whether you are studying spiders or just want to read an enduring story. The boys and girls enjoyed this one.
Once we listened to the story, we spent one Friday afternoon watching the Charlotte’s Web the movie. Love that I can do this with my kids! Enjoy!
This All About Spiders Draw & Write sheet is part of a larger science draw & write sheets set. These are perfect for younger students and an excellent way to incorporate writing into your science day. After watching an educational video about spiders or reading a science reader, encourage your student to write some facts about spiders. Take a look here!
Sometimes the simplest of activities are also the most effective. This spider brainstorming organizer is just right for students of all ages. You can choose to use this while reading the spiders slideshow, doing internet research, or reading a book. To download more of our brainstorming graphic organizer, check them out here.
Add a SPIDER CRAFT to your Spiders unit study! The cool thing about this particular craft is that you are literally reviewing what you just read in the slideshow, but in a hands-on way! Being able to do a craft or art project of some sort with your kids during a unit study is key to reaching some of your learners.
All you need is black or brown construction paper. Cut out and glue two circles, one bigger than the other, to represent the two body segments of a spider. Glue 6-8 google eyes on the cephalothorax. Next, cut out and glue on the 8 legs, the fangs, and the pedipalps. While creating the spider, we talked about the different parts of the spider. My son wanted to add the yarn so he could hang it from the dining room chandelier! My dining room is currently stalked by 3 spiders hanging in front of me while I eat! Happy learning!
This spider reader is offered for free from Education to the Core. It is featured on Teachers Pay Teachers. I like this book for K-2nd. It has enough information to be a science reader, but not too overwhelming for your younger students.
KidZone offers these FREE spider diagram sheets. I love that there are multiple options offered for different leveled students. KidZone features a whole Spider section that you can check out here.
If you are looking for an eye-catching real life video on the world’s largest spider, watch this! Short and sweet! Packed with lots of spider facts! Check it out!
There are other National Geographic documentaries that have some amazing footage of spiders and the worlds they live in; However, you need to be aware that most of those videos make references to an evolution based creation. Just be aware… Happy learning!
When my oldest was younger, we would read The Very Busy Spider over and over. This book would be appropriate for younger children, but have such fond memories of it I had to include it! If you do not have a hard copy, here is a free animated reading of the book provided by the Animated Children’s Book on YouTube.
If you would like to add this book to your own personal library, visit The Very Busy Spider.
The Spins a Web episode by Magic School Bus is an educational edition to your spider study. With the length under 30 minutes long, it is the perfect addition to your Friday afternoon! Interested in owning the Magic School Bus series?
“And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and everything that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good.”
Genesis 1:25
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