Elementary Unit Studies

Elementary Unit Studies

Our Elementary Unit Studies are the perfect vehicle in which to teach all core fundamentals at once. In a unit study, we can work on math, history, reading, and more by focusing on one topic in-depth. There are science based and history themed unit studies to choose from. My kids and I both can get bored with the same thing day in and day out. Unit studies allow us to change things up a bit… do something new and different!

Elementary unit studies also allow you to dive deeper into a topic that your child already shows an interest in. If they are eager to learn something, then all the better! We can focus on a unit study for a week or longer depending on the topic. In a unit study, you and yours can read books (great time to use that library card!), make a craft, watch an educational video, go on a field trip (virtual ones count too!) and just have fun! Happy Learning!

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List of Elementary Unit Studies

This list of elementary unit studies include social studies units, science units, themed units, and Bible units that we feel are appropriate for younger students. You will find a link below to our general science units and labs that we use for an older crowd. However, some of our science resources can be used for younger students too with some modifications. 

Looking for a more Permanent Curriculum?

For the first few years of homeschooling, I created and put together my oldest son’s curriculum. On one level, I enjoyed this. It was fun to look at all of the free options and ideas on the web. On the other hand, I got overwhelmed and distracted like a kid in a candy store. As I had more children, life became busier too. It became evident to me that ordering workbooks and textbooks to guide us was ideal for our schedule and life. I still create interactive units to supplement and meet individual needs, but I have found that the workbooks give us a sense of direction and consistency.

For me, compiling an engaging curriculum for each of my kids became time-consuming and daunting. It is a huge blessing to be able to buy math and grammar workbooks. It gives me peace of mind to know that I am not skipping around or leaving gaps in their education. Some of you may scoff at this. I am not condemning those that go it wholly on their own. Personally, it was just too much. If I was unable to purchase these books, then of course I would change my strategy to use more readily accessible materials. If you are interested in checking out some of the most popular and effective homeschool curricula available, follow the link below. Happy homeschooling…

Check out these other FREE resources!

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