FREE EDUCATIONAL SLIDESHOWS! What I love and appreciate about online slideshows is that my child and I can use them right away. Our free educational slideshows may resemble a book or a type of game with questions. Over the years, I have created a lot of PowerPoint presentations on all kinds of topics. Slowly, I am putting them all in one place so that others can use them and hopefully be blessed by them in some way. You can find the Preschool Slideshows here or the Science themed ones here. However, all of our FREE Educational Slideshows are below.
The science slideshows will eventually be a part of a larger unit set, but until I have the time to compile all of my educational files… here is what is ready to go. Hopefully they can be educational and useful for you and yours. Some of the slideshows are readers geared toward a younger crowd, while others are focused on an older student in mind. Check out a few and see what you think! These would work great for long distance learning or learning on the road.
*Be sure to check out all of our FREE Educational Printables, Units, & More!
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For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope.
Romans 15:4
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