1st 100 Sight Words Flashcards

Download your own set of our 1st 100 Sight Words Flashcards! This printable set of flashcards features Fry’s 1st 100 Sight Words. These are a part of a larger collection of Sight Words Printables & Activities that you can check out here. Flashcards are perfect for early learners just beginning to start their reading journey. They can be used in a multitude of ways and are easy to make!
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How to use the 1st 100 Sight Words Flashcards...
Flashcards can get a bad rap. When flashcards are brought up, teachers and students alike are thinking one word, “boring.” However, flashcards don’t have to be boring. There are so many ways to use the 1st 100 Sight Words flashcards if you willing to think outside the box. Take a look at these 5 hands-on approaches to flashcards.
Hide & Seek
Play Hide & Seek with the flashcards. Simply hide the flashcards around your house. As your child finds the sight words, mark them off on a printable 1st 100 Sight Words list (which can be downloaded on the sight words page). Make sure to review each word with your child as they hand them to you. You might want to consider only hiding a portion of the words rather than all 100 at once. This game is a sure fire way to include younger siblings too.
Target Practice
Make the flashcards into shooting targets. I learned years ago that the best way to attach the flashcards to the wall or door is to use blue painter’s tape. When using this tape, I’ve never had paint come off of the wall (unless it was left for a long time!). Tape anywhere from 5-15 cards up at a time. Once your child is armed with a loaded NERF gun or soft ball to throw, call out a sight word for them to shoot. This is a game that most kids enjoy. It is definitely a fun approach to flashcards!
Matching Game
Create a matching game by making 2 copies of the flashcards. Make sure to print these on colored card stock or else the word will show through when held up against light. Matching games are great for the brain. Besides familiarizing themselves with the sight words, this game teaches kids to focus and pay attention. I recommend using 10-16 words at a time for this game.
Go Fish
Just like with the matching game, you will need to create 2 copies of the 1st 100 Sight Words Flashcards. As before, to make sure the words are not see through, print on colored card stock. Now, play the traditional Go Fish game, just use sight word cards instead. This is always a fun game to play. It won’t take long for your student to learn the words when they are having to ask other players for them.
Slap the Word
Play a game of “Slap the Word.” First, lay a portion of the flashcards upright on a table or floor. When the players are ready, the teacher will call out a sight word. The first person to slap the word, gets to keep the word. The player with the most words at the end of the game, wins.
How to make the 1st 100 Sight Words Flashcards...

It is super simple to make your own flashcards. Whether you make handwritten flashcards or print them, flashcards can be used in various ways. To print, adjust your printer settings to print 6-9 pages to a sheet. This will give you the appropriate size for flashcards. For durability, I suggest printing your cards on card stock. You may even want to laminate them. It is