2024 New Years Resolution Printable

Happy New Year! The 2024 New Years Resolution Printable set was created when I realized that my some of my kids didn’t know what it meant to make a New Year’s resolution. So, we talked about what it meant. We looked up the definition of resolution. There are several meanings by the way. For those curious, the resolution definition we decided to go with is, “a firm decision to do or not to do something.” These printables are simple, yet get the job done! One sheet allows for more writing space than another. At first, I made the one on the left with minimal room to write, but then decided to give a larger space once I thought about my older kids. And then I thought about our youngest… hmmm… so, I just added a strictly color only sheet! Pick whichever suits you and yours!
*Be sure to check out our other FREE Educational Resources here including our set of American Holidays Draw & Write sheets which make an effective social studies journal.
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For your younger students, no need to offer a writing portion. So, I included a coloring sheet too! Again, Happy New Year!