5 Paragraph Essay Graphic Organizers

I will never forget the teacher that taught me how to successfully write a 5-paragraph essay. Her name was Mrs. Wingfield. That one skill has served me well through high school and college. It is a skill that many underestimate. For that reason, I am very mindful to teach it to my students and my children. Our 5 Paragraph Essay Graphic Organizers make teaching how to write a 5-paragraph paper that much easier!
Before teaching a 5 paragraph essay we always start with more elementary writing including using the Hamburger Paragraph Graphic Organizer. Be sure to check it out!
*You might be interested in purchasing our entire Writing Paragraphs Bundle which is perfect for those looking to teach students how to write paragraphs and then 5-paragraph essays! Take a look!
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What is a 5 Paragraph Essay?
A 5-paragraph essay contains within it an opening paragraph, 3 body paragraphs, and a conclusion paragraph. Within the paragraphs themselves, there is a topic sentence, 3 supporting sentences, and a concluding sentence. 5-paragraph essays are typically used when writing middle school and high school papers. Whether it be a book report, biography project, or an essay on the Civil War, being able to write a comprehensive and organized paper is paramount to becoming a successful student.
Why 5 Paragraph Essay Graphic Organizers?
Graphic Organizers are students’ best friend. They make organizing facts, examples, and details manageable. For students who struggle with processing information, graphic organizers give them a visual sorting sheet. We have found the 5 paragraph essay graphic organizers helpful while completing our Country Research Projects or Biography Research Project. My students have used similar organizers when writing their planet papers. Whenever your student is required to write an essay or paper, these graphic organizers can help direct their writing.
How do I use them?
There are three different versions to choose from. All three focus on a student organizing 5 paragraphs with each paragraph containing a topic sentence, 3 body sentences, and a concluding sentence. Visually, one may be more appealing to you. My students are encouraged to use one of these before writing their rough draft. For my more advanced writers, they have used one of these to organize their paper and then typed their final papers out on the computer with minimal corrections. These graphic organizers are particularly helpful to those students who struggle processing information. You may offer it to all your students but require it of some.


We offer essay writing sheets with an illustration page too. These extras make it easy for a teacher to assign a project on a variety of different topics using only these printables.