Printable Book Reports

There are numerous ways to present a book report. Over the years, my kids have created bookmobiles, book posters, and even a book shoe box. Yes, there is such a thing. Book reports encourage reading comprehension, the skill of summarizing, sequencing, and even reflection. However, sometimes we don’t want a book report to become a week-long project. That’s where printable book reports become beneficial. There are 7 FREE Printable Book Reports below! Take a look at which book report template would work best for your student!
* Be sure to check out our Hamburger Paragraph Organizers and for your younger students, take a look at our large collection of Draw & Write sheets.
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Why Printable Book Reports

For starters, Printable Book Reports are flexible. They can be used once a year, month, quarter, or for every book your student reads. For us, we use them multiple times in a year. Printable Book Reports are also versatile and easily accessible. There are 7 different versions of our Printable Book Reports to choose from. Some versions are more appropriate for younger students while others are geared toward an older student. My 4th grader chooses a different one than my 6th grader, but both book reports offer the same benefits.
How to use Printable Book Reports

Any time you add an activity to your homeschool, make sure it is worth your time and your student’s effort. For us, these book report templates allow my student the opportunity to summarize and work on their writing skills. Specifically, my kids practice developing concise sentences, editing, sequencing, and writing with a flow. That can be difficult for even experienced writers.

Before assigning your student the book report, engage in open dialogue with your child about the book. Ask them questions about their book. Get them talking about the characters, plot, setting, and dynamics of the story. This alone will assist your budding writer greatly. It is almost like verbal brainstorming. Once you have gotten a grasp on your student’s take of the book, assign them one of the 7 book report templates.

From my experience, print two copies of the book report. The first copy will be their rough draft. After they complete it, address any grammar or sentence structure errors. This is also the appropriate time for them to clarify details or add sentences to connect ideas. Once this has been done, your student is ready to write their final draft. For those of you looking to expand this into a full book report project, encourage your student to illustrate a book cover on a separate sheet of paper. Then, have your student attach the illustration and written book report template onto a small poster board side-by-side. It makes an impressive display!
So, no matter what book report template you choose, these can be a valuable language arts teaching tool!
Another Reading Comprehension Option for Younger Students
Your student may not be ready for the Printable Book Reports above. However, that doesn’t mean that there isn’t an appropriate teaching tool to use after they have finished reading a book. We use a very simple 4-square graphic organizer for our younger students when wanting to work on reading comprehension. It is something that you can work on together and can be used for a mere storybook rather than a novel. Check out our 4-Square Graphic Organizers here.