Gospel-Sharing Freebies

Gospel-Sharing Freebies

These Gospel-Sharing Freebies have been uploaded specifically for our subscribers! This is for a limited time only! These resources have been included in our Sharing the Gospel Pack with several other gospel-sharing resources! Be sure to check out our other Bible resources here including our Ten Commandments and The Lord’s Prayer!

*Click here to download our whole Sharing the Gospel Pack!

ABC Gospel Worksheets

ABC Gospel Printables

These ABC Gospel Printables are the first in our set of Gospel-Sharing Freebies! In the ABC Gospel Worksheets, you will find an ABC coloring sheet that features A- Admit that you have sinned, B- Believe God’s Promise, and C- Confess with your mouth. There is a verse featured with each letter. Romans 3:23 is for A. John 3:16 is for B. Romans 10:9 is for C. You will find a manuscript copy sheet for each verse and a word search with answer sheet. This set of printables works well with your children or in a Sunday School class.

Living Water Tags

Gospel-Sharing Freebies

The Living Water Tags are simple. There are two pages of tags. One page of tags is slightly bigger than the other. So, pick the one that fits your size water bottle. Once your tags are printed, cut them with a paper cutter, and then tape them around each water bottle. When a table full of kids are working on these together, it makes for light mission work J These are great to give out to those who are homeless, runners at a 5K race, or to people at the playground.

Gospel Candy Tags

Gospel Sharing Freebies

Our last Gospel-sharing freebie is our Gospel Candy Tags. The Gospel Candy Tags feature the verse, Isaiah 53:5 which quotes, “… and with his stripes we are healed.” This is referring to the stripes Jesus bore for all sinners before he died on the cross and then rose from the grave. Since peppermints are a universal candy and are available all year, they make for an awesome gospel-sharing candy tag. Place these unexpectedly in a bathroom or hand them out on Valentine’s Day.

Looking for Bible Curriculum?

To create a more structured Bible time, take a look at these Bible resources. Whether it is a workbook, devotional, or full Bible curriculum, there are lots of options for you and yours to choose from. Take a look at some of these popular options.