Elementary Science Units & More

During the early years, teaching your children science can be made easy with these Elementary Science Units. Teach your kids about hygiene, birds, zoo animals, and so much more! My personal favorite is the Farm Animals unit. Your children can learn about chickens, investigate earthworms, or create their own All About Me book (of course, it has a science twist!). Supplement your own science curriculum or use these free science resources to create your own.
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Check out these Elementary Science Units
At the elementary level, science is all about encouraging students to appreciate the world around them. Curiosity is the number one trait you want to build in your science student. Our Famous Scientists & Inventors and Science writing sheets make for an excellent science writing journal. Definitely worth looking into… especially if you create your own elementary science units. We do not have all of our science resources listed below. In general, we listed units we felt were geared specifically for elementary students. A lot of these units have preschool resources included within the printables. For those of you who make your own curriculum, take a look at our other elementary unit studies here.
More Elementary Science Resources
Elementary science doesn’t have to be hard. Create your own science studies through the use of the following resources. Below you will find science draw & write sheets that encourage the study of topics and a set focused on scientists and inventors. We love to combine the two with a cover sheet to create a Science journal. You will also find a collection of Science Experiments, labs, and STEM projects.
Looking for a more Permanent Curriculum?
For the first few years of homeschooling, I created and put together my oldest son’s curriculum. On one level, I enjoyed this. It was fun to look at all of the free options and ideas on the web. On the other hand, I got overwhelmed and distracted like a kid in a candy store. As I had more children, life became busier too. It became evident to me that ordering workbooks and textbooks to guide us was ideal for our schedule and life. I still create interactive units to supplement and meet individual needs, but I have found that the workbooks give us a sense of direction and consistency.

For me, compiling an engaging curriculum for each of my kids became time-consuming and daunting. It is a huge blessing to be able to buy math and grammar workbooks. It gives me peace of mind to know that I am not skipping around or leaving gaps in their education. Some of you may scoff at this. I am not condemning those that go it wholly on their own. Personally, it was just too much. If I was unable to purchase these books, then of course I would change my strategy to use more readily accessible materials. If you are interested in checking out some of the most popular and effective homeschool curricula available, follow the link below. Happy homeschooling…