Teaching Bible Truths

Teaching Bible Truths

The thought of teaching Bible truths to kids can seem overwhelming. How to teach the Bible may seem especially daunting if you are a new Christian yourself. You may not know where to start. Let this list of TOP 10 Bible Truths to Teach help you have focus.  As a Christian parent, it is your job to teach your child the Bible and what God teaches in His word. All children are usually taught the three R’s of reading, writing, and arithmetic, but what about our core belief system. The truth is, if we don’t teach our children the ways of the Lord, the world will teach them the ways of the world. They will learn one way or the other, which way will you teach them?

Be sure to check out our full collection of Bible Printables including our Young Earth.

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#1 Bible Study Time

Teaching Bible Truths

Start your day off with your kids having a Bible study. It doesn’t have to be complicated. Keep it simple. Depending on the age of your kids, your time with them studying the Bible will look different than someone else. If you want your kids to grow up knowing God, then you have to show them by example how to worship Him… through prayer, reading of His Word, and sharing with others.

Bible Resources

You may enjoy reading Bible storybooks for younger ones or reading the Bible throughout the year. BJU Press offers a more direct and guided approach with a printable guide that lists out Bible truth questions. To check it out, click here or on their logo. From there, you can choose the age level you desire and print out a list of Bible truth questions along with a scripture guide that answers the questions. This is a tried and true approach… ask a question, look it up in the Bible, answer it. You could give this to your older students as Bible work or go over them as a family. Worth checking out!

#2 Scripture Memory

ABC Bible Scripture Cards

What better way to learn Bible truths than to memorize God’s word. In Psalms 119: 11, it is written, “Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.” God’s word is our defense against the lies of this world. Teaching Bible truths is made easier with these ABC Bible Scripture Cards. They can be printed out as cards or used as posters. 

Personally, our cards have become a permanent fixture during our group Bible time. A younger sibling will pick out one of the letters for us to review. We read the verse on the card and talk about what it means. Over the years, we have memorized a lot of the verses since we have read them time and again. Download you own set of ABC Bible Scripture Cards.

Scripture Memory Verse Set

The Scripture Memory Verse Set features 24 KJV memory verses. There are multiple activity sheets in this set to consider. The Scripture Memory Verse Set includes a checklist, Draw & Write Sheets, Fill-in-the-Blank sheets, Puzzlers, Posters, manuscript sheets, and cursive sheets. Download your own FREE PRINTABLE SCRIPTURE MEMORY VERSE SET here

#3 Prayer

If you desire your children to pray, pray for them and with them.  It is important for kids to learn that prayer is just talking to God. The quicker they can recognize that they can talk to God at any moment or time of day, the more apt they will be to do so. God wants us and them to talk to Him. He wants to hear about our fears, our worries, our thanksgivings, and so much more. It is amazing to hear a young soul talk to God. Their prayers can be so real and even humbling to those of us who are older. To encourage prayer, we study and learn “The Lord’s Prayer.” Teaching Bible truths through prayer is powerful. To find out more about the FREE printables and videos, check out our post on THE LORD’S PRAYER FOR KIDS!

#4 God's Creation

When I was teaching science in the public school system, I can attest that evolution is not presented to students as a theory. From my experience, most Christian students left middle school accepting the two belief systems (Evolution and Creation) separately or they tried to combine the beliefs into one. For those of us who grew up attending public school, it isn’t easy to see how enmeshed evolution is in our belief system. Even Christians struggle with separating evolution from creation. From the moment we start reading books or viewing movies, we are faced with language and images that point us to evolution and not creation. This is not by chance. Satan does not want you to recognize the Creator. If we can be swayed to believe that God is not the Creator of all things, then the rest of the Bible becomes null and void too.

Teach Creation using the Bible

Teaching Bible truths always starts with the Bible itself. I challenge you and your kids to read the creation story not just from a storybook, but from The Book. Download your own copy of THE CREATION STORY SCRIPTURE CHALLENGE and other FREE Creation resources at our Teaching God’s Creation Unit!

In more recent years,  I have come to see how damaging and destructive the lie of evolution is and has been to the Christian church. Ken Ham’s book, The Lie: Evolution,  has been eye-opening to say the least. There are several other literary options that I highly recommend for you and your kids to read together. You might want to check out, The Answers Pack.

Teach Young Earth Using the Bible

With Creation comes old Earth versus young Earth. While teaching a 6th grade Earth Science course, this compelling articles were used to present a young Earth while using the Bible to calculate the Earth’s age. You can check out, Young Earth for Kids here.

#5 Dinosaurs

I was tempted to include the topic of dinosaurs within creation itself, but it seems to be a hefty vehicle for which evolution travels. Another reason why I felt it should be addressed individually and be given precedence is because dinosaurs is a topic your kids will be drawn to. If you want to get your kids interested in what the Bible says, teach them what the Bible says about dinosaurs. Dinosaurs are just cool… simply put. Children and adults alike stare at pictures, watch movies, and read thrilling stories about the mysterious creatures.

Dinosaur Misleading

Teaching Bible Truths

The problem with the subject of dinosaurs is it seems like all the books, YouTube videos, and movies depict dinosaurs through the eyes of evolution. Dinosaurs are illustrated as a species that lived on their own without humans or other animals for that matter. Usually the first sentence into any dinosaur book is, “Millions of years ago, … “ Well, if you do your research into the Bible you will find that Earth wasn’t created millions of years ago, but more like thousands. To make matters even more confusing, we have scientists in white coats sporting their PHD credentials suppling us with information about dinosaurs that is based on theory and presented to our children as fact. Why is this allowed?

Personal Theory

I have my own theories. Most of us were taught in the public school system and don’t know any different. We are kind of, may I say, inept to notice there is a problem. There is so much false and worldly doctrine taught to our children from such an early age, that unless we purposefully address the cunning lies early on, our children will form fabricated ideals without even realizing it. The idea of evolution will be planted. We must stop it before it takes root and plant in its place the seed of creation… ultimately, the Creator.

Dinosaur Resources

Here are some excellent resources for you to use while teaching Bible truths: What Really Happened to the Dinosaurs?, Dinosaurs for Kids, Dinosaurs for little kids- Where did they go? If you would like to explore or get more information about the timeline set out using the Bible as a guide follow this link to discover the science and history behind why the Earth is not millions or billions of years old.  Check it out and learn for yourself at Answers in Genesis.

#6 Ten Commandments

There was a time when the Ten Commandments were posted in all public schools. Crazy to think that they were removed almost 40 years ago… back in 1980. The Ten Commandments are becoming forgotten. Studying The Ten Commandments is just one step towards teaching Bible truths to your kids. In The Ten Commandments For Kids, your family will have access to free printable downloads, recommended video links, and intriguing articles to help you teach your children all about the Ten Commandments. 

#7 Godly Character Traits

In the Bible, we are told that you will know a tree by its fruit (Matthew 7: 16-20). As Christians, we are known by our character and actions. It is important to teach our children that we are known more by what we do than by what we say… and sometimes, by both. There are a number of great bedtime books that can be used to highlight certain Godly character traits. Here are some of the resources we have used in the past.

Character Trait Printables

Our Christian Character Traits Printables feature 26 character traits. There are several printable activities to teach Bible based character traits to your students… and they are free! To see our Christian Character Traits Printables, check them out here!

Teach Thankfulness

One character trait that we hit on during the Thanksgiving season is thankfulness. In our Teaching Thankfulness post, you will find printables and activities that are geared for Thanksgiving, but you will also find resources that are thankfulness focused for year-round study.

Other Character Resources

If you have never listened to Adventures in Odyssey, then you are in for a treat. It is an award-winning audio drama that was created for kids ages 8-12 by Focus on the Family. Our whole family loves them. The stories will support your children in their development of Godly characteristics. We like to check them out at the library for free, but the wait time can be lengthy depending on your location. If you are interested in purchasing audio sets they come in all sorts of buying packages. Click on the link below to check out the various options for purchase.

#8 Miracles, Parables, and Bible Stories

Teaching Bible truths can be made easy when studying fascinating Bible stories. It is important to give Bible stories the respect they deserve. Oftentimes, Bible stories are told with a sense of whimsy leaving students wondering if the stories are true. We must honor the truth revealed in these parables and miracles. Take time to read the many miracles, parables, and Bible stories from the New Testament and the Old Testament. Make a point to read Bible stories from God’s book along with their Bible storybook. Storybooks tend to leave out important details that are important when learning about God’s character and ours. Take a look at our lesson on Parable of the Lost Sheep to get started.

Another way to teach Bible stories to your students is to use movies. Nest Entertainment’s animated Bible stories are quality films. The films are exceptional and the stories are Biblically accurate. YouTube offers many of them for free.

#9 The Gospel

However you decide to present the gospel to your children, it doesn’t really matter, just do it. We can pray with our kids, read the Bible to them, and do all kinds of games and activities that talk about God, but if we fail to share the gospel with our children, then we missed the boat!

Use these Resources to Share the Gospel

Salvation Paper Chain Activity

Salvation Paper Chain Activity

A hands-on way to share the gospel to a group of children or to your own is to create a salvation paper chain. It is inexpensive, simple, and a visually appealing  method of sharing the gospel with young people. It includes printable scripture cards too. Read more about how to use this method at Salvation Paper Chain Activity.

New Creation in Christ

Our New Creation in Christ Craft is a simple printable craft that makes sharing the gospel with kids easy. It is a printable craft and requires minimal supplies. We used this with 3rd to 4th graders, but has been successful with students kindergarten to 5th grade. Read more here!

Romans 6:23 for Kids

Use these resources to guide your students and kids through the gospel. Romans 6:23 is an awesome verse to do this. In this set of resources, you will find a slideshow, a guide, posters, fill-in-the-blank sheets, copy sheets, and more! Read how we incorporate Romans 6:23 for Kids into our learning!

#10 How to Defend their Faith- Apologetics

Do you know the why behind what you believe? When your children grow up and become adults of their own, making it in the world, will they be able to explain to someone why it is that they believe in Jesus? The Bible? What about creation? Do you desire your child to have a solid foundation, one that cannot be swayed or torn down easily? Then they need to know the why behind what they believe. If the why is not ingrained in their heart, then they will blow with the wind.

What is apologetics? Simply put… Apologetics is the study of defending “the authority of God’s word, the character of God, and Christianity as a whole, and also uses the Bible as an offensive weapon (like a sword) against all other worldviews and opposition.” (Answers in Genesis, Ken Ham)

Put on the Armor of God

God calls us to share the gospel, but He also calls us as Christians to be ready to give an answer to those that ask us about the hope that lives within us. The Bible teaches in Ephesians 6 that we are to put on the whole armor of God. We are to prepare ourselves to defend and answer the truth for which we proclaim. This is a good place to start with our younger children. Just like a soldier in battle wears armor, we are to be prepared and wear ours as well.

How to Teach the Bible Resources

Answers in Genesis offers tons of free material that can be converted into teaching resources. They provide articles for adults while giving free lessons for kids. The pertinent information they afford gives Christians an opportunity to learn in a way that wasn’t so easily accessible before.

Christian Preschool Printables is a great resource for Christian printables. I have used several of their printables over the years for my kids and for teaching Sunday School. If you scroll over their logo you can go to their Home Page. They offer Bible based manuscript sheets, coloring sheets, and craft ideas.


Easy Craft to Teach Obeying God

Teaching Bible truths becomes easy when using hands-on activities. This craft is easy and accessible even for your youngest learners. My 6 year old, 5 year old, and 3 year old (just had a b-day) created these. First, I glue the small paper plates to large craft sticks. I also write the words, “Obey God,” at the bottom of the plate along with a happy mouth. I give the children crayons and circle stickers that I have put black dots in the middle for eyes. 

When I give the children the plates, I ask them, “What does it mean to obey God?” I explain what it means to obey God. Then I ask, “Is God happy or sad when we obey Him?” Of course, they say, “Happy!” I agree with them and then reiterate that God is happy when we obey Him. Then, that is the perfect opportunity to talk to them about what we can do to obey God. Great lesson about Obeying for young ones!

Teaching the Trinity Craft

Teaching the Trinity to kids can be tricky. However, this particular craft is perfect for this task! The Trinity Triangle Magnet Craft helps to teach children that God is like a triangle. Just like a triangle has three sides, so does God. God is the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. 

Teaching Bible Truths

All you need for this craft is three craft sticks. Hot glue them beforehand. Give each child a triangle and talk to them about the shape and how many sides it has. As they color their craft sticks, begin to discuss with them about the Trinity. There is a little tune that coincides with this craft just right, “God the Father, God the Father, God the Son, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, God the Holy Spirit, Three in One, Three in One.” Use hand written cutouts or download the ones we used. After gluing the cut-outs, glue a magnet on the back. In the past, I have also used pipe cleaners to create a doorknob hanger.

But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear.

1 Peter 3:15 (KJV)