Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Printables

Looking for some short, simple, and FUN activities to teach the letters and sounds? Look no further! Our Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Printables and activities are the perfect sidekicks to the best-selling children’s book, Chicka Chicka Boom Boom by Bill Martin. Check out our cut & paste activity sheet, activity sheets, emergent reader, and more!
*Check out all of our ABC printables and activities here! If you love Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, you are bound to love our ABC Craft Sheets that are accompanied by its very own slideshow!
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Chicka Chicka Boom Boom by Bill Martin
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Cut & Paste

This Chicka Chicka Boom Boom printable can be used in two different ways. To use as a cut and paste activity sheet, let your student cut the letters out and glue the letters to the tree and around the tree. This is a great time to review letters and their sounds. Through the activity, point to letters and ask your student what sound it makes. Another approach is to say the sound and ask your child to point to the letter.
Besides using it as a typical cut & paste activity, you can make this a reusable one. First, print the coconut tree and letters on computer paper. Next, cut out the letters and then laminate the tree sheet and letters. After laminating, cut the letters out again and attach a small magnet to the back of each. Now, you are ready to lay the laminated coconut tree on a cookie sheet and allow your child to put the letters all over the tree. The magnets will hold the letters to the cookie sheet. Whenever your child is done playing, bag up the tree and letters for another day!
Colorful Coconut Trees Emergent Reader
Our Colored Coconut Trees Emergent Reader perfectly coincides with Bill Martin’s classic story. In this case, our reader encourages students to color the coconut tree on each page based on the color word in the sentence. The sentence structure throughout the reader is repetitive, which makes for a confident early reader. Make sure to check out our full collection of emergent readers here! Read more about how we incorporate and print the Colorful Coconut Trees Reader!
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Activity Sheets

These three Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Activity Sheets make reviewing letters & sounds super easy! If you have never used a dot marker, you need to! A dot marker is exactly what you need in this activity, however, any crayon or marker will do! Say the letter or letter sound out loud and let your child color the letter in.
Another method I like to use involves sticky pads. When using the lowercase letters sheet, write the capital letter on a sticky note and let your child color in the matching lowercase letter. Simple, but effective.