Christmas Book List for Kids

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Christmas Unit

Most of us would agree that literature is paramount to the homeschooler or to any learner for that matter. With that being said, we have decided to read a Christmas book (or two!) every day during the month of December leading up to Jesus’ birthday. This list of books has been comprised from personal experience and other moms’ recommendations. I may come back after reading some of them and say, “Nah, this one wasn’t for us.”  But for now, I am excited to reread and read for the first time so many Christmas inspired picture and chapter books. Our list may appear to be lengthy, but since reading is our main focus this December, I think it will be doable! Check out our full list of hopefuls! We may not complete this whole Christmas Book List for Kids, but there is always next year!

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25 days to Christmas....

Christmas Book list for kids

If your kids are anything like mine, they count down the days to Christmas. Most children do this because they are in expectation of ripping open gifts with their name on them. I get it. Don’t you? Some of you may want to wrap your books like gifts for your kids to open each day. Personally, I plan to have a stack of books near the tree that I pull from daily. My kids range in age from toddler to 5th grade, so the book list spans the ages. The Christmas Book List for Kids is arranged from picture books, books with historical references, and chapter books. Take a look and see if any of them catch your eye! Merry reading!

Start with this one... The Christmas Story

I added this one to the list since it was a true telling of the Christmas Story. The tales you will read below are heartfelt, funny, and invoke all sorts of other feelings, but this one, recalls the story of baby Jesus from the angel to the wise men.

Christmas Picture Books...

Christmas Books with historical references...

While scouring the internet for the best Christmas reads to add to our Christmas Book List for kids, I came across several books with historical references. The following titles are intriguing as they not only focus on a Christmas tradition but also incorporate a time in history. To say that I am eager to read these historical Christmas books would be an understatement. Books are like surprises. Sometimes you know right off that a book is a dud, other times the book picks up and ends smoothly, and yet others are magical from beginning to end. You finish the book with a smile or tear… who knows? The point is, books can be powerful, educational, and can invoke emotion. Enjoy!

Christmas Chapter Books...

For those of you with older kids, the following books are perfect for group read aloud or for individual student reading. These may also be available in audio versions from the library. Lately, I have been taking serious advantage of the audio versions of our read aloud books. It gives the kids and I a nice change of pace. Worth looking into…

Christmas Book LIst for Kids
Christmas Book List for Kids

DOWNLOAD your own copy of the real Christmas story here. Luke 2:1-16 lays out the main events of the birth of Jesus.

Celebrate Christ this Christmas

Too often we go through the motions of Christmas and forget the real reason for our celebration. I pray that these books will help us to remember that Christmas is not about the gifts under the tree, but about the birth of a baby… baby Jesus. He calls us to love each other and to look different from the world. Celebrate Christ this Christmas. I encourage you to read the story of Jesus’ birth on His birthday. It is so easy to get caught up in the things of this world to only forget that without Christ, there would be no Christmas. I wish you all a memorable and blessed one with lots of love, yummy food, and good books. Merry Christmas to all!

Be blessed… Marie

Extend the learning with the Christmas Unit

Free Holiday Printables

Are you ready for Christmas? The uplifting music, warm baked cookies, and beautifully trimmed trees are all things we think about when entering the holiday season. Don’t forget candy canes, Christmas lights, family dinner, and of course your favorite Christmas movies! But what is Christmas really about? Jesus, of course. In this Christmas unit, you will find printables, activities, book suggestions, and other FREE homeschool resources that will help you point yours to Christ this Christmas!