Our Daily Homeschool Schedule
Every homeschool family eventually finds their own groove. Our daily homeschool schedule is not a strict one, but a general guide that the kids and I have come accustomed to. It works for us. The schedule was not created on a sheet of paper and then implemented, it was a natural progression. It gets altered to accommodate certain events like visiting family or the need to run an errand. Do not be deceived when you look at this daily homeschool schedule. I do not follow this to a tee and I am sure that some days look nothing like this! We have done this schedule for some time now and even though it isn’t written anywhere (except here), we all know the general schedule… except Dad.

For me, flexibility is a HUGE benefit. I can remember teaching science in the public school system and having to cut the learning short because of time constraints. Sometimes lessons got crammed into a time frame while other days, lessons were being stretched to fit the time allotted. Our daily homeschool schedule works because it is pliable.

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Daily Homeschool Schedule Break-down
Quiet time
Wake-up to 8:00

The first part of the morning is quiet time while everyone is waking up. In the living room, the television is set on an animated show like Wild Kratts, which is where you will find the younger crowd. The older kids are reading or working on some personal project. They have been known to knock out their math or grammar before breakfast. I think they find satisfaction in showing me that they are already done! It’s a pride thing. They love to hear me say, “Wow! You’ve already done how much!?” This is not an everyday thing, but when it happens I make sure to praise readily!
Breakfast time
8:00 - 8:30

Dad heads breakfast up while I am getting ready. The boys are already dressed and with a little coercing, socks and brushing of teeth get done. I’m still picking up from breakfast when the three boys head outside for morning chores. Sometime between 8:30 to 8:45 am.
Morning Chores
8:45 - 9:15

Morning chores consist of letting the horses out of the round pen, feeding the chickens, collecting eggs, and walking the dog around the property once or twice. Now, it is the girls’ turn… clothes, brushing teeth, and hair. If things don’t go awry, I spend a few minutes with the girls reading a book or reviewing a learning slideshow.
Fun Run
9:15 - 9:30

When the boys are training for a fun run or 5K, this is when they train. The boys will go 1-2 laps around the property (1 lap = little less than 2 regular laps) and then walk the driveway to cool down. Physical activity is really good for those kids who are hyperactive. It helps them to get some of that extra energy out before starting school.
Morning Session
9:30 - 10:45
When the boys come in, morning session is on. It lasts for about an hour. During breakfast, I fill out a Daily Task Sheet for each kid (except the toddler) that lists out the activities and subjects they are to accomplish for the day. Each kid is encouraged to work on certain subjects first. It is important to stagger the subjects that they can work independently on with the material they need help with.

Younger Kids. For now, I keep the girls’ school-related workbooks, puzzles, and hands-on activities stored near the dining table on a bookshelf and in a nearby closet. This makes it easy for me to quickly grab items that are ready to go. The girls stay busy with coloring, drawing, or creating. Other times, they get on Starfall where they listen to nursery rhymes, books, or play simple games.

Older Kids. When the boys get settled at the table, I have the oldest (last year 4th grader) start on subjects that he can work on independently. The other two elementary school boys sit on either side of me so I can help them with their school work. The 2nd grader strives to get his work done as quickly. My youngest boy is good for one subject and then a hands-on activity, like a matching game with his sister or checkers with his brother.
Snack time / Bible time
10:45 - 11:15

Everyone is called to the table for snack time/Bible time. It is a rule to clear the table of all toys and books when we enter into this group time. We all sit around the table snacking and listening to the Bible story. After discussing it, we go over memory verses and talk about prayer requests. We have a lot to be thankful for.
Outdoor time
11:15 - 12:30

By now, the girls and I are ready for some fresh air. The kids have free time for a bit. This could mean jumping on the trampoline, riding their bikes, or taking a walk through the woods. When school demands, the older kids may work to complete a task on their list. This is a great time for the eldest and me to sit together under the big oak tree and discuss the marvelous world of grammar!
Chore time / Story time
12:30 - 1:00

A lot happens during this time frame! Each boy enters the house knowing what chore they are responsible for- dishes, vacuuming, and the youngest boy is what I call the “gopher.” He goes for trash and laundry. While the boys are hard at work, the girls and I tidy up too.
It isn’t long before I am encouraging the youngest three to go get a book each and meet me on the couch for story time.
Free time / Lunch
1:00 - 2:00

The kids do their own thing while lunch is being prepared. This is usually the time the boys read independently so they can be allowed screen time later. When Dad isn’t off on an appointment, we call him over for lunch and Bill the dog gets invited too.
Afternoon Session
2:00 - 4:30
Depending on the day, this time is used for one on one time with me or as group time – sometimes both. Reading is a must during this time. When not working with me individually, each child is free to read, play educational games on the computer, do puzzles, play Legos, etc.

*4:00 – 4:30 time slot is reserved for quick clean-up and then either laundry or group time in the living room to watch educational videos. The videos we pick are usually connected to areas of study the kids have been learning about. We have watched everything from on-line experiments, documentaries, animal attacks, and even the journey of the Monarch butterfly. Recently, we watched some videos on how crayons are made and then the origin of the hat! Pretty cool.
Snack time / Outdoor time
4:30 - 6:30
When the weather is nice, the kiddos have a quick snack and then head outdoors. More than not, I choose to work in my yard and the kids do all sorts of things. But this is their time and mine. Gardening is my exercise and quiet time. I do get distracted occasionally as I hear a kid screaming across the yard about some random thing or the toddler needs to use the potty… the life of kids. You got to love them!

Bath time / Free time / Dinner
6:30 - 8:30
Once inside, Dad and I divide and conquer. Baths and showers get taken. Dinner is prepared and served. Quick clean-up.
Bedtime & Read
8:30 - 9:30

Dad heads up the girls. He gets their teeth brushed, reads them a story, and does bedtime prayers. This is a nice time for Daddy and his girls.
I am upstairs with the boys. They stay up later than the girls so once they brush their teeth and get in bed, I sit in a bean bag and read to them. They each take turns picking out what it is we are going to read next. Right now, we are reading, “Shiloh at Christmas.” Funny, since it is the middle of July. Our last book was about Daniel Boone. I learned a lot from that book. Prayers are said and then lights out. Ahhh…. down time.
Parent Downtime
9:30 - ?
Our downtime seems to go by way too fast. I’m serious. It’s like one moment we are sitting down and then the next minute we realize it is 11pm. It is obvious that we are tired, but we enjoy our time so much that we tend to stay up too late. This is when I check email, read online, watch documentaries, or work on this site!
Fridays are Fun Days

We don’t follow the daily homeschool schedule on Fridays. Fridays are Fun Days for us. What is a fun day? Fridays = picnics at the park, hikes in the woods, a stroll through a state park, or even lunch at Wendy’s. Now, that doesn’t mean that there isn’t any school work for the older kids, but on Fridays, they are allowed to pick 2 subjects that they can work on in the car. That way, when we get home, it is the weekend!
Daily Homeschool Schedule Final Thoughts...
Our daily homeschool schedule is more of an order of events… the times are listed to give you an idea of about how we do it! Don’t get me wrong, there are some things that stay true to the schedule, but I want to make it very clear that we do not have a timer that keeps us on track nor do we come to a halt while doing something to stay on time. Our daily happenings are not chained to this schedule. Life happens… need I say more?