Free Holiday Printables

Our Free Holiday Printables provide your student with ample activities throughout the year. We offer holiday printable games, word searches, writing prompts, word challenges, and whole unit studies based around holidays. As time goes on, we continue to add to our FREE Holiday Resources! Studying holidays, their origins, their meaning, and the traditions that accompany them is important to learning our culture and to understanding our nation. Our nation is made of people who hold certain traditions dear to them. It is important to learn them so that we can appreciate who the United States has become.
*Be sure to check out all of our FREE Homeschool Resources including our Bible and Science curriculum!
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Holiday Worksheets & Activity Packs
Our Free Holiday Printables & Activity Packs are growing by the season! We continue to add to our holiday collection as time permits and my kids request it! Below you will find several holidays including our infamous American Holiday Writing pack! You are welcome to download all of our holiday collection below! The great thing about spending time studying American holidays is that the origin of many holidays link back to important times in history. Holiday traditions and customs are also a part of our culture. So, even though kids may see studying holidays as festive, the time you spend venturing into holidays is well worth it educationally. In our household, kids have begun to think that holidays equate to no school. Even though there may be no school, this doesn’t mean there is no learning. Use the FREE Holiday Resources below to continue learning even on non-school days! Happy Day!
List of Holiday & Seasonal Printables