Christmas Unit Study

Free Bible PRintables

Are you ready for Christmas? The uplifting music, warm baked cookies, and beautifully trimmed trees are all things we think about when entering the holiday season. Don’t forget candy canes, Christmas lights, family dinner, and of course your favorite Christmas movies! But what is Christmas really about? Jesus, of course. In this FREE Christmas Unit Study, you will find emergent readers, crafts, games, book suggestions, and other FREE homeschool resources that will help you point yours to Christ this Christmas! These resources can be used to create your unit study or supplement another. There are FREE Christmas Printables & Activities for all ages. May Christ be the center of your Christmas!

*To download all of our Christmas activities, games, & printables in one download, visit our Christian Christmas Activity Pack. 

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How to Implement our Christmas Unit Study Resources

We have a lot of printables, crafts, video suggestions and more. They all have one thing in common. All of our activities focus on Jesus’ birth as being the sole reason for Christmas. We try hard to keep a Christ-centered Christmas. With that being said, there are tons of fun printables and activities to do with your child during the Christmas season. And even though so many of them seem harmless, we need to be mindful that Christmas is often overshadowed by so many other things that are not Christ-centered. Look over all of the resources below to create a one-of-a-kind Christian Christmas Unit Study. Start by reading the scripture telling of the birth of Jesus or watch the animated video depicting the nativity. Use the resources that work for you and yours. Merry Christmas!

Christmas Word Search & More

Our FREE Christmas Word Search and more printable set can help to create a Christ-centered afternoon with your kids or students. Not only is the Christmas Word search and word scrambler educational, but the challenge of completing it is fun for students. We like to print these off together to create a fun-filled packet. Check out the Christmas Word Search & More printables here!

FREE Christmas Preschool Printables

This set of 11 worksheets includes 4 big vs. small, 3 counting up to 12, 1 beginning sounds, 1 blends, 1 vowel/consonant, and 1 patterns. These activity sheets review basic skills for early learners. Your preschooler or kindergarten student will enjoy these! Download your own set of FREE Christmas Preschool Printables here!

Christmas Unit Emergent Readers

Christmas Unit

Encourage your budding reader with these Christmas Emergent Readers. Create handheld booklets for your children to read and color. Two of the readers specifically focus on Jesus. Worth checking out… especially if you have young children or students. Download our FREE Christmas Emergent Reader here!

*Be sure to read all of our emergent readers!

FREE Christmas BINGO Boards

BINGO is always a timeless family game that everyone can play… except maybe the baby! It is a game that invokes togetherness and the winner wins by sheer chance. This Christmas version offers 10 boards for family or small group fun. We also offer a 30 board set for larger groups. Our Free Christmas BINGO game features baby Jesus on every game board. This game is one of my favorite among our FREE Christmas Printables & Activities. What a great tool to use to share Jesus with your kids or students this Christmas!

Christmas Story Coloring Pages

I love these sheets because it gives me a chance to share the word of God with my students and kids. The scripture, Luke 2:7-15, is featured throughout giving you the opportunity to share the word with your child. This is the best thing about our Christmas unit… it encourages conversations about Jesus. Download these simple Christmas Story Coloring Pages here!

My Favorite Things at Christmas...

Christmas Unit

  We used these at the beginning of our homeschool Christmas party. They were just the thing. It gave students a means to brainstorm their favorite things at Christmas encouraging fellowship and a sense of belonging. We later used these sheets as a raffle ticket. This activity sheet allowed students to be actively engaged as guests arrived. It is also an effective out of the door ticket. You can ask students to write or draw their favorite things at Christmas. There is a colored and black and white version as well as a full page or half a page option. Merry Christmas!

Christmas Countdown Printable

Every Christmas Unit needs to have a countdown to Christmas! There are two versions of our Countdown to Christmas. Download your own here!

I SPY Christmas

I Spy Christmas is a fun activity sheet to play with students of all ages. Simply find the pictures featured at the bottom of the activity sheet. Once found, circle them in the collage. 

Christmas Board Games

Add these fun Christmas Board Games to your Christmas Unit. Encourage your kids to color the black and white version or print off the color version. What makes this game more interesting than your typical roll the dice and move game, is that many of the squares have further instructions on them such as +2 or -2. Print your Christmas Board Games here!

Merry Christmas Word Challenge

Our Merry Christmas Word Challenge is perfect for groups, partners, or individual students. Encourage your student(s) to come up with 25 words using the letters in Merry Christmas. For example, the word mist can be formed from the letters in Merry Christmas. You can always increase difficulty by only accepting words that are 4 letters or more. They are also not allowed to use a letter more than once. So, if there is only one letter e,  than they can only use one letter e. 

Tell the Christmas story with a Nativity Set...

Before we had children, every Christmas I would set out a white ceramic nativity set.  It was clean and beautiful. The first Christmas our oldest was big enough to reach this nativity set, I decided to forego setting it out where he could pick it up and ultimately, break it. There really was no place for it in our home that was safe from little hands, so it hasn’t seen the outside of the box it is stored in for over a decade. With that being said, I found other nativity sets featuring kid-like figurines and was also given one by a family friend.

Our family friend specifically requested we display the nativity set in a place where the kids would be welcome to pick it up and hold it. I was hesitant about this because I knew this would shorten the nativity’s lifespan. It didn’t last one Christmas season without the hot glue gun being introduced to Mary’s halo and baby Jesus’ arm. However, I learned something important. Children are more likely to ask you questions about the nativity scene when they can touch it. The first year we set out the kid-like nativity, my youngest ones at the time would take baby Jesus to their room. They wanted to watch over him. Allowing this hands-on approach helped my family to focus on Jesus. The nativity is a daily reminder to us that Christmas is about a baby who becomes our Savior. 

Christmas Unit Book List for Kids: Advent Style

Let’s be honest, most would agree that literature is paramount to the homeschooler or to any learner for that matter. With that being said, we have decided to read a Christmas book every day during the month of December leading up to Jesus’ birthday… ADVENT STYLE. What could fit better into a Christmas Unit than Christmas books?

Now, this list of books has been comprised after personal experience and other moms’ recommendations. I may come back after reading some of them and say, “Nah, this one wasn’t for us.”  But for now, I am excited to reread and read for the first time so many Christmas inspired picture books. Our list may appear to be too long, but since reading is our main focus this December, I think it may be doable! Check out our full list of hopefuls here!

Printable Christmas Ornaments

When teaching younger children, these simple printable Christmas ornaments are perfect. They focus on the nativity and scripture from the Bible. There are different options for you to choose from. If you are working with a larger class at church, these are inexpensive and require a short materials list. Read more about our Printable Christmas Ornaments here.

Easy Star Ornament

Christmas Unit

This EASY Star Ornament only requires 6 colored craft sticks, glue, and ribbon. I love its simplicity. Years ago, we painted the craft sticks, but this time around we used colored craft sticks which made this craft a breeze. Using the 6 craft sticks and the Elmer’s glue, glue together two separate triangles. After about 5 minutes, the triangles are tacky enough to not fall apart while you adhere them on top of each other. Leave them to dry for about an hour. When you come back, tie a ribbon around them and hang on the tree. Beautiful! 

Snowman: Jesus washes my sin as white as snow

Christmas Unit

This is a simple, yet fun craft. All you need is construction paper, google eyes, glue, and cotton balls. The snowman craft gives you the perfect opportunity to share with your child how God sent his son Jesus to become the Savior of the world. We talk about how we are all sinners and it is only Jesus who can wipe our sin away. Ultimately, making us as white as snow!

Wise Men Hanging Craft

This craft is just the thing when sharing the story of the pilgrimage of the Magi. Growing up, I never realized that the wise men were not actually at the staple when Jesus was born. They came later. For some reason, Christmas cards and pictures depicting the nativity scene often include 3 wise men at the stable. Yes, there were three gifts, but we are never told in the Bible how many wise men there were. For us, this has been an important detail to account for in our Christmas unit.

Wise Men Scripture

Read the Biblical account of the magi as told in Matthew before this craft. Print the star out on card stock. Your child can color or paint it. Next, have your child cut out the star and scripture verse in the circle. Paste the scripture on the back of the star. For extra fun, let your student add metallic sticker stars around the circle. Punch a hole at the top and string some ribbon through. Hang your craft!

Free Homeschool Christmas Unit

Nativity Craft

The Nativity Craft worked well with a 2-3-year-old class at church. However, it works even better for preschoolers to first grade. It is simple enough for their little hands to complete on their own. I let my little ones color baby Jesus first and then glue their craft sticks on. Thank you, Ingrid Wolf! Ingrid shares her art and craft ideas for free on Teacher’s Pay Teachers. Download your copy here.

Write Christmas cards with address included...

I have never been the most consistent person when it comes to writing cards. However, it is a skill I know how to do and at some point in my life, someone taught me how to write a card and address it. Whether you teach your child to merely wish friends and family a “Merry Christmas” or encourage them to write more, learning this art is part of their education. Being able to address an envelope properly is important. Have your kiddos make their own cards or if it fits the budget, get some Christmas-y ones! Is “Christmas-y” even a word? Haha… 

Legend of the Candy Cane

The Legend of the Candy Cane Unit Study is memorable and keeps the Christmas spirit focused on Jesus Christ. Any Christmas unit could benefit from this sweet lesson of the gospel. There are printables, activities, videos, writing prompts, and a lab! Check it out for yourself at THE LEGEND OF THE CANDY CANE PRINTABLES!

Bible Read Aloud: Birth of Jesus

Christmas Book LIst for Kids

There would be no Christmas Unit without the birth of Jesus. What better way to celebrate Jesus’ birthday, than to read about it from His word. DOWNLOAD your own copy of the real Christmas story here. Luke 2:1-16 lays out the main events of the birth of Jesus.

What is Christmas? by Answers in Genesis

Recently, a friend of mine sent me a link to Answers in Genesis in reference to Christmas. I was intrigued. After reading some interesting and truly insightful Christmas articles, I knew it had to be passed on to you all. There are multiple articles linking from the original Christmas story that delve into common misconceptions about Christmas, Santa Claus, and more! Check it out for yourself! 

Christmas Videos We Enjoyed...

The King is Born

If you watch no other film during your Christmas unit, The King is Born would be my recommendation for younger students. Worth watching! If you are interested in purchasing, click here.

Mary & Joseph Christmas Story

This film is different than from the first, but no less an excellent addition to the first. What I appreciate about this film is how it explains aspects of the Christmas story that may be difficult for a little one to understand. It is less than 6 minutes long, but worth every second!

The Nativity Story

This film is encouraging, hopeful, and inspiring. A Christmas unit must-see. If you are interested in purchasing or would like to shop other Christmas movies, click on the image or link. Merry Christmas!

For your older students who are itching to go beyond an animated film, The Nativity Story may just be the trick. It is moving to see the struggle that Mary and Joseph must have endured during the pregnancy and then birth of Jesus. What faith and dependence on the Lord this endeavor must have required!

Christmas Wishes...

Enjoy Christmas. Too often we focus on things that don’t really matter. I say this from experience. Spend time with your family. Eat some fabulous food. Go out to gaze at Christmas lights. Share some unexpected kindness. Love the Lord and remember all that He has done for you. Above all… Merry Christmas!

Be blessed… Marie

Christmas Unit