FREE Hundreds Charts

Once your student learns to count to ten and then to twenty, there comes a time to count to 100! After homeschooling a couple of our kids, I finally got tired of having to look up FREE Hundreds Charts to print yet again. One of my kids lost their hundreds chart so many times that one day I decided to make my own to keep on my desktop. Back then our internet wasn’t the best so on this particular day it was easier to make my own chart! Take a look at our other elementary math resources including our Counting Money Unit and Time and Clock Resources!
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Free Hundreds Charts

There are four worksheets in this Hundreds Charts Set. One is for reference and can be used to highlight counting by twos, fives, or tens. All you need to do to highlight number patterns is to have your child color in the numbers that apply. For example, have your student color in numbers 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and so forth to highlight counting by twos. One sheet is blank to allow your student to copy the numbers 1-100. The other two sheets focus on writing the odd and even numbers.
Free Hundreds Charts w/ Missing Numbers

There are a dozen FREE Hundreds Charts featuring missing numbers. This allows for your student to practice figuring out what numbers are missing and practice writing the numbers in the correct blanks.
Count to 100 YouTube Video
I had to give a shout out to my 6 year olds favorite counting to 100 song on YouTube. Thank you Jack Hartman for giving my daughter such a silly song to dance to! Big Numbers by Kids123 is also a great one to watch and listen to!