Solar System Unit

It doesn’t take much to grab a kids attention when presenting them with pictures of the vast expanse of outer space. Our main goal in this unit study is to discover the planets and their unique features. In our FREE Solar System Unit, you will find a solar system slideshow, book and website suggestions, lots of printables, hands-on activities, and more!
*To download the whole Solar System & Planets Pack including editable PowerPoint & assessments check it out here. Be sure to check out our other outer space units including Other Objects in Outer Space and Types of Galaxies Mini-Unit.
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Solar System Unit Slideshow
The Solar System slideshow gives solid yet general notes on our solar system. It defines geocentric and heliocentric models and explains why the planets orbit the sun. The slideshow also explains where our solar system is within the universe. It gives a general overview of each planet denoting the differences of inner planets and outer planets. This presentation is an excellent introduction to any solar system unit.
*To download the editable PowerPoint version of this slideshow, check out our Solar System PowerPoint & Guided Notes Pack.
Solar System Guided Notes

Guided notes are awesome. These notes coincide perfectly with the Solar System Slideshow. I love scaffolding notes for multiple reasons. For one, they keep students focused on the task at hand. Second, students end up with a great set of notes.
Solar System Poster

This simple poster illustrates the elliptical orbits of the planets around the sun, defines what the solar system is, and lists out the order of the planets. It is an appropriate poster to hang while working on your solar system unit. For clarification, the planets are not to scale.
Solar System Reference Sheets

Sometimes you just need a reference sheet to to hand out to your class. These also make great coloring sheets for your preschoolers who want to participate in family learning. Our Solar System Reference sheets are also ideal for middle schoolers who need a doodle sheet!
Solar System Cards

These Colored Solar System Cards can be used in a variety of ways. Use them to practice putting the planets in order from Mercury to Neptune or attach them to a homemade mobile using a paper plate or hanger. The Solar System Cards would also be effective to use in a lapbook. Be creative! I advise you to print these on cardstock and then cut them into cards. For added durability, laminate them also.
Solar System Fact Cards

You never know exactly what you might need for your class to run smoothly. There have been times when all I wanted for a station was basic cards. While other instances, I was looking to use fact cards. No matter what type of solar system activity you are on the hunt for, there are plenty of options! Try these black and white Solar System Fact Cards. These are effective in a lapbook or print them and staple them into a booklet. Great activity booklet for younger kiddos!
Planet Notes Table

The Planet Notes Table is a simple organizational tool for students to use when gathering general notes about the planets. You can choose between a basic table or one with colored planets. Use this note taking sheet during a video, viewing the slideshow, or reading a book.
Earth Comparison Project

Our Earth Comparison Project is perfect for those wanting to explore Earth’s unique qualities. When students compare and contrast Earth to another planet, they quickly learn how special Earth is. Even when compared to another terrestrial planet, it is evident that Earth is one of a kind. God made Earth for us to thrive and live on. The Earth Comparison Project is ideal for small groups and just right for your homeschool! Download the Earth Comparison Project here!
Planet Research Sheets

When asking a student to write a research paper, it is always a good idea to supply them with a graphic organizer. This tool will assist your student in organizing their information. For example, completing the Planet Research Sheets forces a student to read, research, and summarize facts. One step that many students want to skip in the writing process is brainstorming. This graphic organizer encourages pupils to write their findings in an organized fashion, making it easier for them to pull from when it comes time to write.
Solar System Mobile

The Solar System Mobile was created to accommodate a large multi-age co-op class. While viewing the Solar System slideshow featured above, our science co-op colored, cut, glued, and constructed a paper mobile. Though this mobile is not a typical mobile with moving pieces, it does feature hanging planets and two sides. To read more about how we created our Solar System Mobile, check it out here!
Solar System Planet Match-Up
I am always looking for new ways to review information. This cut and paste activity sheet allows your student to review the order of the planets from the sun. My kids loved this one as it allowed 4 of my kids to work together while watching an educational video. They all seemed to enjoy the activity itself and we learned together, which is a plus! Download your own Solar System Cut & Paste Worksheet here!
Solar System Hanger Mobile
We love having multiple options when it comes to reviewing the same information. Sometimes, an activity sounds great for one class while a different activity looks to be a better fit for another. That can be true of students too. One year we used this activity sheet to create a poster. More recently, we used the cut-outs to create what we called the, “Solar System Hanger Mobile.” To download your own parts of the solar system, read on here!
Solar System & Planets Assessments
Our Solar System & Planets assessments are only offered through our Solar System & Planets Pack. In this teacher’s pack, you can download all of the above PDF’s, the Solar System slideshow in an editable PowerPoint, and the Solar System & Planets Assessments. There are two quizzes which can be given separately or could be used together to create one test. You can take a look here. 🙂
Oobleck Lab & Writing Challenge
A fun lab to add to your unit is the Oobleck Lab and Printable Activities. I haven’t met a kid yet who hasn’t been fascinated with the unique properties of Oobleck. This investigation makes for an inexpensive lab since it has a short supply list. Be aware before tackling this lab though as it can be messy. Use the Oobleck Observation Lab Sheet and an Oobleck Writing Challenge!
Great Website for Research and Reading Material
It can be difficult to find astronomy resources that are Bible based. Answers in Genesis provides Biblical insight and information about the solar system, planets, and the age of the universe. Follow the link to READ SEVERAL ARTICLES and VIEW A VIDEO about our solar system. I encourage you to take advantage of this website when researching.
Add Astronomy books... but be cautious
All of the astronomy books I’ve ever checked out from the library feature an old-earth evolutionist formation of the universe. With this being said, unless you buy astronomy books that are based on what the Bible says, your children will be reading content that contradicts the Word. So, if you choose to borrow books from the library, be aware that your child will be taught the Big Bang theory and that the universe was formed billions of years ago. They will learn that a ball of energy smaller than a pen head started what we know as creation. So, if you are looking to invest in some science books that teach science through the eyes of the Bible, you may want to consider one of these.
Use these videos to review the planets...
Other FREE Astronomy Resources
Food for thought...
Looking for a more permanent science curriculum? Even though we pursue various science units that encompass labs and such, we also use a science textbook each year. Some might say that our science units supplement our textbook, while others would say the opposite to be true. The labs, experiments, graphic organizers, videos, and other activities bring the textbook information to life.

We use Abeka Science textbooks. I love that they incorporate God and His sovereignty into their curriculum. When I taught in the public school system, I noticed that many of my students were lacking in vocabulary. This made it difficult for them to understand the why behind many of our investigations. Unfortunately, they were deficient in their background knowledge. Our science time would be lacking too if it weren’t for the rich vocabulary and science language that we find in our science textbook and readers. If you are interested in shopping for a full-time science curriculum or even just a textbook to guide you, click on the following link! Happy homeschooling!