FREE Thanksgiving Coloring Pack

Teaching Thankfulness Printables

During the week of Thanksgiving, my kids are often watching me cook, clean up, or just prepare for the upcoming day of food and family. This FREE Thanksgiving Coloring Pack is perfect for those times when I need the kids to have an activity that they can do on their own. It is also a fun activity to print out for all those young kiddos that are coming to your house on Thanksgiving Day. The coloring pack is a parent friendly addition to our Teaching Thankfulness Printables. A number of the sheets can also coincide with our Pilgrims and the Mayflower unit. Download the FREE Thanksgiving Coloring Pack below!

*Thank you to clip art Library for their free clip art. I added some headers and scripture to some sheets.

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What is in the FREE Thanksgiving Coloring Pack?

48 Thanksgiving themed Coloring Sheets

free thanksgiving coloring pack

I love to print out Thanksgiving themed coloring sheets and have them available for the kids to color on the table. When I first introduce the FREE Thanksgiving Coloring Pack to my kids I also set up the Wild Kratts show that is all about turkeys. You can access it here. Three of my kids are still into coloring and crafts, so it is great activity to offer to them. They learn about turkeys while coloring turkeys!

You can also offer shows about the first Thanksgiving, the Mayflower, etc. This is an easy way to incorporate some learning while having fun!

Cut & Paste Thanksgiving Turkey

FREE Thanksgiving Coloring pack

What an easy version of a turkey craft. Keep it simple is sometimes best! Print this sheet, color the pieces, cut them out, and then paste them on a sheet of construction paper. Easy! Add the words, “Happy Turkey Day!”

*This page is #1 in the pack.

What are you thankful for? Activity Sheet

free thanksgiving coloring pack

This a kid-friendly version of the traditional draw & write sheets. I enjoy using this printable with a group of multi-aged kids or in a preschool classroom. Kids are encouraged to draw or write what they are thankful for. Give the students some crayons and pencils and let them at it! You can display them around the Thanksgiving table or hang them on the refrigerator. This is a simple and effective activity.

*This page is #2 in the pack.

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