Hamburger Paragraph Printables

As your student gains confidence writing, continue to challenge their abilities with new goals. Move from writing random sentences to writing an organized paragraph that contains details and facts. It sounds easy enough… and it can be. Use these tips, methods, and strategies to help your student advance in writing. We like to introduce paragraphs to our students using the Hamburger Paragraph Printables. Our Hamburger Paragraph Printables and other graphic organizers make teaching how to write a paragraph easy!
*You might be interested in purchasing our entire Writing Paragraphs Bundle which is perfect for those looking to teach students how to write paragraphs and then 5-paragraph essays! Take a look!
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How to use the Hamburger Paragraph Printables...
The Hamburger Paragraph Printables make teaching kids how to write a paragraph easy! Language arts has never been a subject I particularly enjoyed. So, when learning to teach my kids the writing process, I came across the hamburger paragraph organizer in multiple places. I loved the premise behind the hamburger visual and saw it as a wonderful teaching tool. This is when I set out to create our own Hamburger Paragraph Printables.
Hamburger Paragraph Poster

The Hamburger Paragraph Poster is excellent to use when first introducing the hamburger paragraph model to students. It explains each part of a paragraph beginning with the topic sentence, three supporting sentences, and finishing with the concluding sentence. Students need to be taught to indent a topic sentence and convey the main idea of the paragraph. The three supporting sentences are considered the body of the paragraph. These sentences should contain details and examples to support the main idea. The concluding sentence restates the topic sentence in a new way. DOWNLOAD BELOW!
Gather Information about a Topic First
Before presenting your student with the Hamburger Paragraph Printable below, you need to direct your student to a topic first. Once your student has a topic, guide them to gather information including facts, details, or examples about the topic. For example, your topic could be Thanksgiving or the state of Tennessee. Whatever the topic, read about it, research it, or watch an educational video together.
Consider using graphic organizers
In years past, I encourage my students to gather notes about their topic using a very basic graphic organizer like the ones found here. As your student progresses, you will find our 4-Squares Graphic Organizers helpful when students are summarizing events, books, or articles.
When students are asked to summarize a story, article, or event, they can become overwhelmed not knowing how to arrange the information. Graphic organizers help students to break information into pieces. This makes summarizing a book more accessible to even a student who struggles with processing information.
Hamburger Paragraph Printable

Once your student has gathered information about their topic, begin to walk them through the Hamburger Paragraph Printable. Start by helping them write a strong topic sentence. Sometimes a simple yet direct topic sentence is best for beginners. For example, “Thanksgiving is a holiday celebrated in the United States.” A very basic version of this is, “Thanksgiving is a holiday.” Depending on the age of your student, the length and verse of their sentences will vary. DOWNLOAD BELOW!
Paragraph Organizer

As your student progresses, you may want to graduate to a more direct paragraph organizer. I have found that some of my older students find the hamburger model worksheet too young for them! To each their own! DOWNLOAD BELOW!
Paragraph Writing Conclusion

As your student progresses, challenge them to write their paragraphs using our Draw & Write sheets. Our BLANK Draw & Write sheets are perfect for the student that grows in their writing using this method. As you can see, the Draw & Write sheets advance as your student does. As your student’s writing improves, you may challenge them with one of our Book Report Sheets.