Layers of the Sun Unit

It can’t be coincidence that our earthly lives depend on the Sun, while our eternal lives depend on the Son of God. The Sun is our sole energy source and without it, we would cease to survive on Earth. On the fourth day of creation, God created the Sun and the moon. The Sun was the greater of the two lights and was meant to rule the day. In the LAYERS OF THE SUN unit, you will investigate the Sun in a science slideshow, multiple activity sheets, and video suggestions. Enjoy learning about our Star, the Sun!
*Be sure to check out our other Science Resources including our unit studies and labs & experiment sheets!
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Start your investigation with...
Sometimes it is nice to see a visual before investigating topics that can’t be touched firsthand. The sun is one of those subjects. During our study of the sun, we watched some general videos pertaining to the Sun and its characteristics. It was an effective way to start off our study about the Sun.
Layers of the sun slideshow
The Layers of the Sun unit slideshow is the main source of information we use when learning about the Sun. Each layer and special features of the Sun are explained and described in this science reader. Use one of the several printable activity sheets below to solidify the layers of the Sun with your student. This slideshow can be viewed online or downloaded as a PDF for easy reading. To download the editable Sun PowerPoint, check out our Layers of the Sun Pack or our Sun PowerPoint & Guided Notes.
Be sure to check out our other Science slideshows here!
Layers of the sun Printables

There are 3 separate activity sheets in this set. First, a table giving a student ample room to describe each part of the sun is featured. The next two sheets are similar diagrams of the sun. One labels the parts of the sun for the student, while the other is a fill-in-the-blank activity sheet. Choose the one that best fits your needs. I encourage you to use the Parts of the Sun slideshow to accompany your learning!
parts of the sun fill-in-the-blank

I love the colors and graphic on this fill-in-the-blank activity sheet. However, printing in color can eat up my ink. So, feel free to check out our other blank and white activity sheets below. 🙂 There is an available PowerPoint to accompany this worksheet, however, it is only available in our Sun Pack.
Layers of the sun Printables

There are two activity sheets in this set of printables. In the first, your student is encouraged to describe the 3 main interior layers of the sun and the three main layers of the Sun’s atmosphere. The second sheet allows for investigation into the layers of the Sun’s interior, atmosphere, and special features.
Check out these other Astronomy units...
Food for thought...
Looking for a more permanent science curriculum? Even though we pursue various science units that encompass labs and such, we also use a science textbook each year. Some might say that our science units supplement our textbook, while others would say the opposite to be true. The labs, experiments, graphic organizers, videos, and other activities bring the textbook information to life.

We use Abeka Science textbooks. I love that they incorporate God and His sovereignty into their curriculum. When I taught in the public school system, I noticed that many of my students were lacking in vocabulary. This made it difficult for them to understand the why behind many of our investigations. Unfortunately, they were deficient in their background knowledge. Our science time would be lacking too if it weren’t for the rich vocabulary and science language that we find in our science textbook and readers. If you are interested in shopping for a full-time science curriculum or even just a textbook to guide you, click on the following link! Happy homeschooling!