Oobleck Lab & Printable Activities

I haven’t met a kid yet who hasn’t been fascinated with the unique properties of Oobleck. Try the Oobleck Lab & Printable Activities below to create a memorable critical thinking experience. This investigation makes for an inexpensive lab since it has a short supply list. Be aware before tackling this lab though as it can be messy. Below is an Oobleck Observation Lab Sheet and an Oobleck Writing Challenge!
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Oobleck Lab & Writing Challenge
Oobleck Video
I learned how to make Oobleck years ago from another science teacher. She incorporated this Oobleck lab into her solar system unit by tying it together with a Writing Challenge, which can be downloaded below. You could opt out of the writing challenge and just use our basic Oobleck observation sheet. The materials list for this lab is short and simple: cornstarch and water! Watch the video to see how easy it is to make!
Before letting your student experience Oobleck, you might want to let them watch the video first. The Sci Show presenter breaks down some important observations your student must make while investigating Oobleck… yuck! As your student discovers the unique properties of Oobleck, ask them some of these inquiry questions:
- Can you squeeze it into a ball?
- What happens when you hit it?
- What happens when you try to mix it with a spoon?
- When does Oobleck act like a liquid?
- When does Oobleck act like a solid?
Oobleck Observation Lab Sheet

This Oobleck Observation Lab Sheet is a perfect way to sum of the lab in words. I suggest using this lab sheet as a take home activity or for the day after. It isn’t a lab sheet I would try to complete while investigating the substance. It will turn into a mess for sure.
Oobleck PowerPoint that leads Students into Writing Activity
When I taught in a classroom setting, I would forego the video and use the slideshow to lead my students through the Oobleck investigation and then the writing assignment.
Oobleck Draw & Write Challenge

After your student has had ample time to observe Oobleck and its qualities, challenge them to design a spacecraft that could land on a planet of Oobleck. For those students who are hesitant to design, guide them to think about the properties of Oobleck as they think about their spacecraft. Ask them questions to lead them to design a spacecraft that can land on Planet Oobleck. In this activity, your student is encouraged to draw their spacecraft in detail. Then they are to explain how their design could successfully land on a planet made of Oobleck.