Printable Alphabet BINGO Game

Print and Play this Printable Alphabet BINGO Game! Alphabet BINGO is an effective learning game. Kids love the simplicity of BINGO Games while homeschool parents can appreciate their educational value. What a great way to practice letter recognition and beginning sounds. This PRINTABLE ALPHABET BINGO GAME is perfect for families and co-op classes. It features a set of 10 uppercase cards and 10 lowercase cards. Download your own set below!
* To see our Beginning Sounds ABC BINGO Game, go here! Make sure to check out our other Letters & Sounds printables and activities here.
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Printable Alphabet BINGO Game... Print & Play!
It doesn’t take much to prepare your BINGO Game for playing. Print and play is the best way for a busy mom. You can print whole sheets or you can choose to print 2 sheets per page. This will give you a smaller game card. I love that you can print these out, play, and then throw in the trash. There is no need to print on card stock or laminate. The last thing you need to play Alphabet BINGO is chips or some other manipulative to use on your BINGO card. We have used pennies, glass rocks, or beans before. Now, you are ready to play ABC BINGO!
How to Play Alphabet BINGO
Alphabet Bingo is educational and easy to play with small or large groups! Each player needs a BINGO card. There are 10 game cards featuring capital letters and 10 cards with lowercase letters. As the facilitator, you can choose to play this game in different ways. One option is to pull out lowercase letters and review their sounds and match them to the uppercase letters on their cards and then vice versa. You could just say the name of the letter out loud, which is what we usually do. And yet another option is to call out the sound of the letter for kids to match. I usually do a combo of the last two options. I say the letter and the letter sound together.

Besides letters or sounds, there are also picture calling cards. You can show and say the picture word to the students letting them pick out the beginning sound. For example, you may pull out a picture of a frog. Players will then look for an “F” on their game board. If you choose to use the calling cards, the pictures are in color and you will have a better playing experience if you print them on card stock. Download the lowercase or uppercase game below!
Games promote learning...
And ye shall teach them your children, speaking of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.
Deuteronomy 11:19