Printable Christmas Ornaments

When teaching younger children, these simple printable Christmas ornaments are perfect. They focus on the nativity and scripture from the Bible. These were created for my 4, 6, and 8-year-old last year. I also created a version like this years ago for a preschool church class. They work great for groups and are inexpensive to create. There are different options for you to choose from too. Read on to find out how we use these Printable Christmas ornaments in our homeschool and classroom. More tips and ideas too!
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Why Printable Christmas Ornaments?
Over the years, I have found that most of the craft kits you buy at the store aren’t always kid-friendly to all younger children. In a lot of instances, a teacher or parent finds themselves putting together most of the ornament craft kit. With our printable ornaments, the student can do most of the work on their own. They get to color them, cut their string, and glue pieces together. Not only do they get to put the craft together themselves, it is far cheaper for a class to create these. Lastly, most ornament craft kits feature a colorful character reminding us of winter weather, not Jesus’ birth. Our printable Christmas ornaments are inexpensive, easy to make, and focus on the birth of Jesus.
How to Create them...

Some of the nativity Clipart was left smaller without scripture to leave room for you to cut circles around them. The nativity Clipart that is larger with scripture underneath them is meant to be cut into cards. They are not perfectly square, so make adjustments where needed. There are four black and white images with no scripture and then the same four images with scripture. Personally, I like these the best. It is nice to look at a kids’ homemade ornament and be able to see their hand in it. It can easily become a keepsake. For those students who are not into coloring, you might want the colored ones.

There are two pages devoted to the colored Clipart, but just as the black and white ones, only four images. I found it helpful to print on card stock. The paper ones just didn’t hold up and were easily torn. We used a glass to draw circles around some of the images before cutting them out. Otherwise, you can just cut them into cards or let the kids’ have a turn. Glue the clipart to a piece of Christmas card stock, construction paper, or leave it as is. Next, cut it out and punch a hole at the top. String it with a piece of ribbon and it is finished! Your ornament is ready to be hung on the tree!

The last page of the PDF is devoted to stars. For the stars, color them yellow or print them on yellow card stock. On the back, encourage your child to write the words “Baby Jesus” or “Jesus.” This is a great time to talk about the Christmas star. We then either add dots of glue and adorn it with glitter or let the kids put metallic star stickers all over. Once again, punch a hole at the top and string it with ribbon. Merry Christmas!