Recommended Educational Videos

For me, educational videos are just one of the many teaching tools in my bag. Just like educational online games, they can be beneficial for both me and my kids. I realize that there are some phenomenal videos out there, but the truth is, it can be hard to find films that are truly educational. So many of the movies and shows we put in front of our children claim to teach xyz, but do they? The comprised list below are recommended educational videos that we have actually watched, enjoyed, and gleaned from. This list is organized in order from Early Learner, Bible, History, Science, General Homeschool, Family Friendly, and Documentaries I personally enjoyed. Within each group of videos, I arranged their appropriateness from youngest to oldest. This list is growing continuously as we watch and learn more with time! If you have any suggestions… shoot me an email! Thanks!
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Recommended Educational Videos - Early Learner
Kids TV 123 on YouTube
Kids TV 123 is a favorite YouTube channel for one of mine. Most of the songs are educational in nature. Our favorites are the ABC Song, Phonics Song, Colors, and some of their letter songs. You know that your family watches these a lot when you as an adult starting singing their songs while doing dishes!
Mother Goose Club Nursery Rhymes on YouTube
Mother Goose Club features nursery rhymes, songs, and skits. My girls loved this one and I would find my boys watching at the corner of their eyes! Great for the younger crowd!
Blippi on YouTube
Blippi is a high energy educator and entertainer. He brings loads of information to the screen as he dances all the while! The kids love his personality. He covers a wide array of preschool and kindergarten topics. Worth checking out!
Coilbook on YouTube
My girls did not watch this one as much as my boys did. This one video was watched over and over. Coilbook has a large selection of videos usually focused around a mode of transportation, which seemed to resonate more with my boys. Loved this video for 3D shapes.
Preschool Prep
Preschool Prep offers some of their videos for free on their YouTube channel. We used their basic video set repeatedly when all of the children were younger. For years, it was one of our favorite recommended educational videos. We still use them for our younger two. Worth checking out and purchasing! Look at some of our favorites!
Preschool Prep is one of the those video sets that is extremely effective especially if you start using them when your children are young. When we had a DVD player in the car, this is one of the few video selections we allowed in the car. They offer a DVD set that focuses on letter sounds, digraphs, blends, and sight words. Preschool Prep also offers a video set featuring Math Facts.
Jack Hartman on YouTube
For whatever reason, my kids like Jack Hartman more than other word family videos. To me, he is a little cheesy, but I think that is part of the reason why my kids like him. I believe my son always resonated with Jack being a man. He preferred these over animated versions. Check it out!
Not as straight-forward learning as some, but LeapFrog offers a lot of educational videos. LeapFrog videos do provide learning opportunities; however, the film itself is more of a cartoon embedded with some educational content. The educational value is weaved into the storyline of the film. It is a little different than the previous videos. Not bad, just longer than the other videos mentioned and the educational content is not quite as straightforward They are cheaper to buy in a set than individually. Great for a Friday afternoon treat!
Recommended Educational Videos - Bible
My First Bible Library
Surprisingly one of my toddler’s favorite’s! My First Bible Library was relatively inexpensive and well worth the money. The set includes books with corresponding videos. The short stories are perfect for little ones – tots, preschoolers, and kindergarten students. The films read the story book out loud showing the words at the bottom of the screen. Love this. What I appreciate the most about these videos is the music that plays. My girls and my musically inclined boy loved to sing the songs after the story was told. This set would be perfect to use for Bible time together.
The Beginner's Bible on YouTube
Great resource! The Beginner’s Bible provides animated Bible stories for free on their YouTube channel. We have not watched all of them; However, the kids seem to really like the ones we have viewed. This is a great option for those looking to teach the stories of old visually.
Kid's Ten Commandments
This set of mini-movies, Kid’s 10 Commandments, is an awesome resource to have on hand when teaching yours about the Ten Commandments. Each mini-movie focuses on two commandments for a total of five films. If you are interested in the films you can watch the first one on YouTube. It is called “The Not So Golden Calf.” Enjoy!
Veggie Tales
You can get a number of the Veggie Tales episodes for free by looking on YouTube. They are high energy, musical, and just funny. Character building and other Bible truths are weaved into their story lines. If you are not familiar with the most popular Christian based children program ever, then you may want to check out some of their titles. Enjoy!
Nest Entertainment Bible Stories
I also love to incorporate Nest Entertainment animated Bible stories into my kids’ television time. The quality of the films are exceptional and the stories are biblically accurate from what I have seen. YouTube offers many of them for free. You will not regret these recommended educational videos.
Even though I love Nest Entertainment films, they can be a bit pricey. Several years of ago, I purchased 2 DVD’s inexpensively that really surprised me by the amount of video time and stories they offered. I believe that some of the films Nest Entertainment puts out today were originally produced by Ocho Bridge ( I could be wrong!). All I know is that one of these DVD’s I purchased at a gas station and I would do it again! Check them out!
Books of the Bible Songs - FREE ON YOUTUBE - LOVE THESE
The Gospel According to Matthew- Full Movie
A friend of mine told me about this free Bible resource during Easter. Since it is 4 hours long, the kids and I watched it over the course of a week. It isn’t necessarily for the whole family in that some of you may find it too visual for your younger children, but mine did watch it I must say. It follows the reading of the Bible as it is acted out. This would make a great family program.
The Ten Commandments - Featuring Charles Heston
If you have never seen The Ten Commandments with Charles Heston, then you should. This would be appropriate for your older children. I would recommend watching it in two or three parts. After each setting, discuss key elements and reference it back to God’s word. If you are interested in purchasing, click on the image below.
Recommended Educational Videos - History
Animated Hero Classics from Nest Entertainment
Inspiring Animated Heroes is a series of mini movies produced by NEST Family Entertainment. We specifically own Abraham Lincoln and George Washington, which we have viewed many times over. Another one worth watching is focused on Harriet Tubman. Excellent quality and the length of the videos are just right… just under 30 minutes. These videos are perfectly paired with some literature and a writing assignment. Many can be found on YouTube for free, but they do get removed and replaced often.
Liberty Kids - History Made Easy
My oldest is a history buff for sure, so anything history related he is going to love. His siblings do not share his passion. So, when they too were enthralled in the films, I knew they were winners. For all the children, these videos have fit the bill. Bring history to your television with these recommended educational videos.
We own the original set of 40 episodes in a box set. I can honestly say it was worth the money.
Learn Our History: One Nation Under God
If you have never used the Learn Our History resources, you should definitely check them out! We watched, “One Nation Under God,” which does a segment on the Pledge of Allegiance. You can view a clip of the video on YouTube for free to get an idea about what they offer. The animations may seem unusual compared to the norm, however, the content and information is invaluable. Great product!
This is America, Charlie Brown
This is America, Charlie Brown features movies depicting some of the most important historical moments in American history. The films are educational and entertaining. Great resource for those visual learners!
Disney's American Legends
Disney’s American Legends gives an animated account of the tall tales told of Paul Bunyan, John Henry, Johnny Appleseed, and the brave engineer. These may not be completely historical, but they can lead you to discuss how historical figures can become legends. Some of these can be viewed on YouTube for free.
Sound of Music
The Sound of Music is a musical set in Austria featuring the Von Trapp Family, a well-known concert group preceding World War II. I have never really liked musicals, but this one is worth watching for it is a classic. The story line allows for discussions on the governmental and political happenings of the time.
This was a sad movie for me and for one of my boys who is especially attached to dogs. So, beware of that before you watch it. The actors, setting, and story line really portray what it was like for poor black sharecroppers families living in the south in the early 1900’s. This movie would be wonderful to watch after reading the book. The movie was sad because of the truth that lied within it. Sounder is a must see for your older students.
Remember the Titans
Remember the Titans is an excellent example of how a movie can be used to illustrate a time period in American history. The story line is based on real events and the actors did an impeccable job at portraying the racial tension of the time. This movie was inspiring.
The Civil War: A Film by Ken Burns
The Civil War: A film by Ken Burns is one film that every one in the family will eventually sit down to watch. When I first brought this DVD set home from the library, my husband’s response was, “I love this.” He actually thought I had got the documentary for our movie night. Funny how certain video topics draw some of us in more than others. My oldest son who also loves history thoroughly enjoyed this film. I found it interesting and well done, but definitely for a little older crowd. Great historical content.
War Horse
War Horse is set around a farm boy who sets out to serve in World War I after his beloved horse is sold to the cavalry. This movie is riveting, heart wrenching, and such an inspiring movie. What a great movie to use in your homeschool!
Recommended Educational Videos - Science
I want to be upfront with you about the science video recommendations. If you are a Christian and teach creation to your children, then you need to be aware that some of content contained in the science videos below may point your children in a direction that is not Biblically based. Yes, there are some awesome science labs and demonstrations featured, but within the more content driven shows, there may be times when evolution and Darwinism may be presented. This can be seen in visual scenery or heard in the dialogue of the film. I encourage you to watch these with your child as to counteract the worldly views that may be presented. Blessings…
The Magic School Bus
We own the complete series of The Magic School Bus. In general, most of the shows are chock full of information and worthy of being on the recommended educational videos list. Fair warning though- this is not Christian based. The dinosaur and water episode definitely lean toward a secular view of creation.
Sci Show
Sci Show is a YouTube channel that is science based and geared for an elementary school crowd. However, some of the content may be applicable for middle school students also. Tons of educational facts, diagrams, and visuals.
Mark Rober on YouTube
Mark Rober is an ex-NASA employee who has a passion for the scientific method. I do not always agree with some of the topics he promotes; however, his approach to the scientific method is really amazing to watch. He builds and tests his creations with such passion! His passion is contagious and makes the learning process fun!
Biology with The Amoeba Sisters on YouTube
The Amoeba Sisters are entertaining and educational. Together they create some awesome videos. The information is concise and too the point. When watching their videos, you are sure to learn the most important aspects of the topic at hand. Fantastic BIOLOGY resource!
MythBusters on YouTube
MythBusters has been around for years. Before I became a homeschool mom, my middle school students and I would test myths presented by the MythBusters. So fun! MythBusters does not have their own YouTube channel, but you can find them on Discovery Channel. We actually own some of their collections. These videos are appealing to the whole family. On occasion there can be some slight language… be aware.
How it's Made on YouTube
How It’s Made is an awesome science minded show. The narrator explains the creation process step by step as you visually watch it come to fruition. Intriguing. What I like about this program is the ability for the viewer to see the process.
Jungle Survival on YouTube
Looking for something a little different than the norm? One day at lunch, my husband mentioned that we should check out some guys on YouTube who dig out the earth to create whole rooms with underground pools. That afternoon, the kids and I decided to find what it was he was talking about. This is how we found Jungle Survival. We were amazed at the art, engineering, design, and ingenuity of these men. Very cool.
LEGO Brickumentary
The LEGO BRICKUMENTARY is fascinating. It takes you into a creative world of unfathomable possibility. In this documentary, you will see how the multi-million dollar toy company got its start and how it grew its brand over the years. Your perception of LEGO may change after viewing the LEGO Brickumentary. LEGOs are no longer a toy just for your kids. It has evolved into a therapy tool for young and old. Grown men and women are using LEGOs to display architecture and promote art. LEGOs is a creative outlet for all ages. We checked it out from our local library. Worth watching!
Science Confirms the Bible
Learn about DNA as evidence for the infinite God, the basics of genetics and natural selection as they relate to biblical “kinds,” the origin of so-called races, the truth about Cain’s wife, evidence for the worldwide Flood, the actual time of the Ice Age, literal vs. figurative creation days, the origin of death, dating methods, and more. The Bible is true. Science confirms it, and with the help of this video, you and your teens will be better equipped to defend it! GET MORE ANSWERS:
Ten of the Top Scientific Facts in the Bible
“Ten of the Top Scientific Facts in the Bible” is a half-hour of awe-inspiring and faith-building video, filled with ancient biblical truths—the earth’s free float in space, the dinosaur and why it disappeared, laws of quarantine, the earth being round, and much more. This is a powerful resource to encourage Christians, and to challenge the most hardened skeptic to take the claims of the gospel seriously. Watch more free videos and get other resources by Ray Comfort and Living Waters at
The Planet Collection - Planet Earth & Blue Planet
Years ago when The Blue Planet made its debut, way back in 2002, I didn’t even have children yet. However, The Blue Planet was well known for its exceptional videography and never seen before footage of ocean life. Critics found the series captivating as mysterious sea creatures were brought to television screens for all to see. We recently came into possession of the critically acclaimed DVD series and have been watching it in 30 minute increments during our afternoons. The kids and I are more than willing to sit and learn about the unseen civilizations deep in the ocean. What a treat it was to view the life within The Blue Planet! The Planet Collection features the Blue Planet and Planet Earth.
Recommended Educational Videos - General
The video resources below are ones that could serve your needs in science, math, history, and more! They do not specialize in any one particular subject, but offer a plethora of videos on all sorts of topics! These are free resources that we use to accompany what we are reading about in our history and science books. To be honest, there are days when we may spend an hour picking out different short video clips we think would be interesting!
FreeSchool on YouTube
Freeschool is a site that offers a variety of videos. The channel offers videos for younger students and older students. They are now producing videos for an older crowd. We first found them when searching for biographies of famous Americans. Worth checking out!
Homeschool POP on YouTube
I discovered Homeschool Pop a couple of years ago as I was surfing YouTube looking for a short educational film to accompany our science lesson. Since then, Homeschool Pop has been a regular around our house. They are long enough to make an educational impact but short enough to keep my boys’ attention. Homeschool Pop have a wide variety of videos ranging from science to history to holidays. Great for elementary school children.
National Geographic KIDS on YouTube
National Geographic KIDS provides high quality films with graphics that are unbeatable. The only catch I have with National Geographic is their undeniable push towards Darwinism, evolution, and really anything other than God as our creator. We enjoyed their videos featuring states…
Art for Kids Hub
After finding Art for Kids Hub, my boys spent hours drawing using the tutorials offered by Art for Kids Hub. Consequently, one of mine decided to create his own art book to keep all of his drawings in. If your child shows any interest in drawing or you would like to add some art to your homeschool, this may be a great place to start. Art for Kids Hub offers a variety of highly approachable drawing lessons for students of variable ages. Over the years, these art videos have become some of kids favorite on the recommended educational videos list.
Recommended Educational Videos - Family
There isn’t a lot of clean Christian friendly shows out there for the whole family on the mainstream television networks. Throw in commercials and you really have to be careful about what your child’s brain is being feed. So, for us, videos aren’t just about learning science and history, but about providing our children with clean alternatives. When we allow ungodly shows into our household, we are not guarding our families hearts and minds. Here are just a few of the programs and movies we have found to be family friendly.
These are definitely on our recommended educational videos list: The Berenstain Bears DVD Collection, Where the Red Fern Grows, Anne of Greene Gables, Swiss Family Robinson, and Little House on the Prairie. We also enjoyed The Waltons, Leave it to Beaver, and the Andy Griffith show. The Miracle Worker, Old Yeller, National Treasure, The Greatest Showman and so many others were wonderful additions to our homeschool. We implemented them at different times and ages. These can be used to discuss character, integrity, hard work, cultural differences, and different time periods in American history.
Recommended Educational Videos - Documentaries
I love to see a good movie or documentary. Unfortunately, there isn’t a lot being offered that is necessarily good for us. I know this and yet, I too, can get caught up in a television series or movie that I know deep down isn’t doing one good thing for me. As I have gotten older, my choices of video watching has changed and I find myself enthralled with documentaries. Below you will find a list of recommended educational videos for adults and high school students. Each video sheds light into a topic that isn’t highlighted in mainstream media or the world around us. I took something away from each of these films. These videos may not be for you, but then again they might. Enjoy!
This documentary was fascinating. It is amazing to see how one of God’s small creatures has such an important job. I am all about watching how things work and this documentary was far more telling for me than any reading book I’ve read.
This documentary lays out the food industry in a way that hasn’t been seen before. A veil is placed in front of the practices in our food industry that no one wants to look behind. The truth is jarring. We like to think of our food as coming from fresh country farms, but the truth is not that. The food industry is a business at best.
My kids and I enjoyed the spin on this documentary. It’s focus was primarily on how sugar is a major culprit to the obesity problem our country faces today… especially amongst our young people. It was telling to see how our nation’s children are fed at school and how marketing and the bottom line changed our food into something subpar.
I must admit that I have not watched this one yet. However, I really want to! The premise behind the documentary was to find out why homeschooling has skyrocketed in recent years. It discovers the why behind families leaving the public system to venture into the unknown world of educating their own children.
I have watched IndoctriNation countless times. I wish some of my public school friends would watch the video too. You may not agree with all of the views; However, I do believe that the film forces you to think about education in a different light.
Who is teaching my child? What is being taught to my child? Why is my child being taught what he is being taught? Why is my child being taught using the methods by which he is taught? These are important questions to ask ourselves. Colin Gunn, a Scotland-born homeschool father of seven, travels across the USA on a quest to understand the origins and social impact of America’s modern public education system. Click on the photo to check it out!
The Biggest Little Farm
We really enjoyed this one. The Biggest Little Farm highlights how there are many pieces to a successful farm and that in and of itself, a farm is an ecosystem. It became a little daunting though when comparing our much smaller farm to theirs. However, the idea of creating an ecosystem in a sustainable way was valuable.
Vaxxed Documentary
The Vaxxed Documentary is not available on YouTube without purchasing it. The video clip loaded is one that shows why the VAXXED documentary was pulled from Tribeca Film Festival at the last minute. Every parent and high school student should view this film. Whether you are a firm believer in vaccines or not, this is a video that will promote lively discussion and thinking among your most sober students.
Vaxxed II Documentary
I scoured the internet trying to find a copy of the documentary for free, but it seems that it is not available online for free. VAXXED II has a YouTube Channel where you can access other videos. To purchase the VAXXED II documentary, you must purchase it from the VAXXED II website. This is a MUST-SEE. It will definitely encourage a discussion. Which is always a positive thing in the homeschool world.
If I were the devil- paul harvey
“If I were the devil” ~ A prophetic essay written and recorded by radio commentator Paul Harvey in 1965. It has been over 50 years since Paul Harvey recorded this piece and it is truly astonishing.
This next one is just for fun...
What Christmas is All About
Linus explains to Charlie Brown what Christmas is all about. Linus recites Luke 2: 8-14. Simply the truth.