Romans 6:23 Printable Lesson

Romans 6:23 Printable Lesson

I became a Christian in high school. So, I’ve been a Christian long enough to see the illustration that teachers use to share the gospel using Romans 6:23. Growing up, teachers would draw the model of God on one side, us on the other, and the word sin was displayed in the middle separating us from God. In the end, the cross that represents Jesus would be used like a bridge giving us access to God and yet keeping us safe from sin.  The illustration was always one that resonated with me and I appreciate how scripture was broken down into a visual. Now that I am the teacher, I have created the resources below to help us use this method of sharing the gospel in a more fun and hands-on way. Please use the Romans 6:23 Printable Lesson to teach yours and others about Jesus.

*Be sure to check out our other Bible resources here and if you are teaching a large class or in a school setting, you want to download our Christian Character Traits Pack! Our Ten Commandments and The Lord’s Prayer resources are a popular pick!

Breaking Romans 6:23 down for Kids

It may only be one verse, but Romans 6:23 can be used to teach some hefty truths. More importantly, it can be used to share the gospel. I usually break it down into two parts. So, Romans 6:23a and Romans 6:23b will be focused on one at a time. Below you will find how to break the verse down and address the meanings and context of each section to make a whole truth. The first truth is that we can’t earn salvation. Secondly, Jesus is the only way to God. Finally, when we accept to trust in Jesus we are given eternal life with God.

Break down of Romans 6:23a

Romans 6:23 Printable Lesson

For the wages of sin is death- We are all sinners. This means we all do bad things. Even when we try to be perfect, we can’t do it. As sinners, we earn (wages) death. Just like we earn money for doing a job. We also earn consequences for our sins. We do not deserve to be with God in heaven. Heaven is a place with no sin. God is sinless. He is perfect. We can’t earn our way to heaven because we can not be sinless no matter how hard we try.

Break down of Romans 6:23b

But the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.Jesus Christ is a gift that God gave us. It is only when we accept Jesus as our Savior that we can obtain eternal life. We must go through Him to get to God. When Jesus died on the cross for our sins, he bore our punishment. He had not done anything wrong. When we accept this and Him, we make Him Lord of our lives and are granted eternal life in heaven with God.

This leads us back to John 14:6, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

Romans 6:23 Printable Lesson Flashcards

The key words in the scripture are wages, sin, death, gift, eternal life, through, Jesus Christ, Lord. It is important to not assume that students know what the words mean. Go over the meaning of the word as well as their context in the scripture itself. I jotted down some notes below that you might want to think about or point out to your students as you dive into the verse. DOWNLOAD FLASHCARDS IN ROMANS 6:23 WORKSHEET SET BELOW.

Romans 6:23 Printable Lesson
  • Wages: Wages are something that we earn when we do something. You earn wages when you work.
  • Sin: Something that we do is that does not honor God. Bad things that we do. We all sin even when we do not want to.
  • Death: Since we are sinners, we do not deserve to sit in heaven with God. He is the only one who is sinless. We deserve death in hell.
  • Gift: A gift is something that is given to us. God gives us this gift.
  • Eternal Life: Eternal means forever. When we die, we will be in heaven or hell forever.
  • Through: Moving in one side and out the other; a channel
  • Jesus Christ: God’s son is a gift to us. He is the one we must go through to receive eternal life with God.
  • Lord: Once we accept Jesus as the only way to God, we make Him Lord of our lives. He is one that we base our thoughts, decisions, and desires on.

Teaching Romans 6:23 using Slideshow

You can use the slideshow to help you walk students through the gospel using the corresponding activity sheet below. I recommend using the word flashcards if you decide to walk your students through the activity sheet without the slideshow. Truth is, I haven’t always used the slideshow. In the past, I would draw the illustration on a board or piece of paper and let my students follow along on their sheets. It is nice to be able to write the key terms or tape the flashcards up on the board as you talk about the meaning of each.

Romans 6:23 Cut & Paste Activity Sheet

Romans 6:23 Printable Lesson

The Romans 6:23 Cut and Paste Activity Sheet was created to give teachers a way for students to participate in the illustration of the scripture verse. Use the slideshow above or draw your illustration to coincide with the activity sheet. I like to have students cut out and paste the items in this order:

1.) God with Heaven

2.) Boy or Girl

3.) Sin and Hell Fire

4.) Cross

Romans 6:23 Worksheet Set

Romans 6:23 Printable Lesson

In our Romans 6:23 Worksheet set, you will find keyword flashcards, a word search, a fill-in-the-blank with a word bank and one without, a coloring sheet, a poster, and a plain poster. 

For those of you using these resources in a classroom setting, print the plain scripture poster out and then cut it into strips or individual words. Next, give the words or strips to the group with a sheet of construction paper and stick glue. Let the students glue the verse back together.

Romans 6:23 Copy Work

Romans 6:23 Printable Lesson

We offer four different copy work sheets to choose from. There is the traditional style, the cursive option, and the traceable versions. Have your pick! 

Looking for Bible Curriculum?

To create a more structured Bible time, take a look at these Bible resources. Whether it is a workbook, devotional, or full Bible curriculum, there are lots of options for you and yours to choose from. Take a look at some of these popular options.