States of Matter Printables

You will find everything you need to teach the main states of matter to your students in this post. The States of Matter Printables is just a portion of our entire Matter Unit Study. In our States of Matter Printables, you will find an educational slideshow, cut & paste sorting sheet, comprehension worksheet, pamphlet, and more! There are easy and inexpensive hands-on matter demonstrations suggested that work perfect for classrooms or homeschool settings! Teaching the states of matter is easy with these resources! Don’t forget to move onto our Changing States of Matter Activities to help your student comprehend how states of matter change with an increase or decrease in thermal energy. *Be sure to check our our full array of homeschool science resources here including science units and labs & experiments!
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States of Matter Slideshow
Our States of Matter Slideshow can be downloaded as a PDF and viewed as a document or used as it is intended, a slideshow. I will admit that some of the images are gifs that move when seen within the PowerPoint version, but isn’t absolutely necessary. The PowerPoint version is slightly different too. It is a bit cleaner on the last few slides. You can access the PowerPoint version within the States of Matter Pack.
States of Matter Balloon Demonstration
This States of Matter Balloon demonstration doesn’t take a lot of preparation nor materials. It is a great way to bring a touch and feel element to your classroom without breaking the budget. I love recommending this for homeschool, co-ops, and larger classrooms since it is viable for all sizes of classes. Read more about how to implement the States of Matter Balloon Demonstration into your classroom.
3 Main States of Matter Worksheet

This States of Matter Worksheet focuses on the three main states of matter: solid, liquid, and gas. This is a simple worksheet, but very effective in helping students break down pertinent information about each state of matter including molecule movement and energy.
States of Matter Cut & Paste Worksheet

This is one of my favorite States of Matter Printables. I love that students are using the learned information to sort it into states of matter. The activity is hands-on and requires students to comprehend the descriptions in order to place it with the correct state of matter.
States of Matter Pamphlet

The States of Matter Pamphlet is one that is ideal for teachers that have a lot of information to cover in a short period of time. You can give the students the printed out information, a pair of scissors, a glue stick, and a sheet of construction paper. Students can use the facts and information within the pamphlet to complete the other printables below. I do like that you can triple hole punch the sides and have the students keep it in their notebook.