Thankfulness Activity

Teaching Thankfulness isn’t always easy to do. The best method in this case seems to be teach, model, and then pray. Even though I believe that the activities below can be beneficial at teaching thankfulness, it is more important for them to see you as an example of a thankful person. You can explain to them what being thankful means, but showing them will make a bigger impact on the people they become. Teach them what thankfulness looks like and what it doesn’t. Thankfulness comes easier for some than others. In the end, if they can learn to recognize and be thankful for all the blessings and grace they have in their life, then hallelujah! Check out our Teaching Thankfulness Printables & Activities!
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Why use this Thankfulness Activity...
We have a lot to be thankful for. Oftentimes, we take our blessings for granted. It is easy for us to negate them since we have so much. We also compare what we have to others and find ourselves coveting what someone has as opposed to being thankful for what we do. That is why it is so important for us to take the time to think about all the good things in our life.

The “My Thankful Tree” is a sweet activity for younger students who are learning about being thankful. However, it can be used with older students too. The supply list is short and easy making this thankfulness activity a must-have around Thanksgiving or anytime! All you need is the My Thankful Tree printable, construction paper, scissors, and glue.
Start by Explaining the Verse

Start the activity by reading the scripture verse on the sheet, Psalm 107:1. The Bible tells us to give thanks to God. If you want to go a little deeper, explain what mercy is. I like to think of mercy as God not giving us what we really deserve… death. As sinners, we don’t deserve to go to heaven. Jesus loves us so much that He died on the cross for our sins. He took what we deserved and gave us mercy. He saved us.
Construct your My Thankful Tree

Encourage your student to think about all of the things and people in their life that they are thankful for. Using green or fall-colored construction paper, have your students cut out leaves. Have them write something they are thankful for on each leaf. If you need to, write it for them. Afterward, have your student glue their thankful leaves to the bare tree. Remind them of God’s mercy by comparing the lifeless tree at the beginning to the full tree at the end. We don’t deserve anything, but by God’s hand, He gives us much to be thankful for.