The Ten Commandments for Kids

There was a time when the Ten Commandments were posted in all public schools. Unbelievable to think that they were removed more than 40 years ago… back in 1980. If you homeschool, you are free to post them wherever you want! In THE TEN COMMANDMENTS FOR KIDS, you will find several printables, video recommendations, and craft ideas!
*Be sure to check out our other Bible resources on our Teaching Bible Truths page.
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A little Background about The Ten Commandments for Kids
I want to say upfront and humbly, that I do not assume to know or understand everything God wrote in His word. All I can attest to is that the more I read the Bible, the more fascinated I am by it and utterly, intrigued. God gave the Ten Commandments to the Jews on two stone tablets on Mount Sinai. You can read The Ten Commandments in Exodus 20. Moses presented The Ten Commandments to the Jews which represented a covenant between God and the Jews. The Ten Commandments became known as the Laws of Moses. These laws gave the Jewish people a guide of moral conduct.
The Ten Commandments Poster & Scripture
Teaching the Ten Commandments for Kids
It is important to make sure your children know that there is nothing that we can do as humans to earn the right to be in heaven on our own merit. We are sinners saved by the blood of Jesus. That’s it. Without accepting Jesus as our Lord and Savior, we cannot receive a ticket into the kingdom of God. With that being said, keeping The Ten Commandments or any other set of laws will not grant us salvation or a seat in heaven. “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God. Not of works, lest any man should boast.” Ephesians 2: 8-9.
The Ten Commandments Coloring Sheets
Use The Ten Commandments for Kids Coloring Sheets during Sunday school or after reading the story of Moses and The Ten Commandments to your younger children. These can be used to embellish other crafts or as a reference.
The Ten Commandments Cards or Posters
For those of you wanting to print these as posters, I recommend printing these on card stock and then laminating. To make a set of cards, set your printer settings to print 4 sheets per page. Be sure to print them on card stock for durability. Once printed, cut your cards out and laminate them. This takes a little time, but so worth it! Next, cut them out again and then punch a hole into the corner of each one. This way you can use a metal key ring to hold them together.
The Ten Commandments Manuscript Sheets
The Ten Commandments Cursive Sheets
Maybe you are looking for a cursive version? This may be just the thing you need. Some of mine used the manuscript version, while the cursive was perfect for my older kids.
The Ten Commandments Animated Video Series
An excellent resource to support you in teaching the 10 Commandments to your children is a set of mini-movies called Kid’s 10 Commandments. Each mini-movie focuses on two commandments for a total of five films. Watch the first one on YouTube to get a sense of its quality. It is called “The Not So Golden Calf.” Enjoy!
The Ten Commandments Movie starring Charles Heston
If you have never seen The Ten Commandments with Charles Heston, then you should. It would be appropriate for your older children. I would recommend watching it in two or three parts. After each set, discuss key elements and reference them back to God’s word. To purchase, click here.
A Closer Look at The Ten Commandments
Recently, it came to my attention that The Ten Commandments may not apply to us (Christian Gentiles) today. It is humbling to admit that even though I have been a Christian for nearly 30 years, there are many theological topics that I have never questioned or looked into for myself. When I became a Christian in high school, I can remember helping in the 2-3 year old Sunday School class where I taught toddlers about the Ten Commandments. Fast forward a couple of decades and I found myself still teaching the Ten Commandments to the same age classroom. Not until as of late, I have never questioned who Moses was talking to or who the Ten Commandments applied to. So, how have my thoughts changed on the validity of the Ten Commandments and do they apply to us today?
Do the Ten Commandments apply to us today?

Yes and no. The Ten Commandments established a covenant with the Jews, not Gentiles. It was when Jesus shed His blood for our sin, a new covenant was made. Even though the Ten Commandments were not presented to us like they were during Moses time, nine of the ten commandments are reestablished for believers to follow in the New Testament amongst others. You can read more about this topic in an intriguing article written by Harold Hancock. Read the article along with the scripture references to gauge for yourself the truth.
What about the Sabbath day?
The one commandment that is not restated for believers to follow is, “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.” Even though we are not commanded to follow the Sabbath in the New Testament, we are commanded in several areas of scripture to fellowship, break bread, and have communion. Some such verses are Acts 20:7, Acts 2:42, and Hebrews 10:25.

Many Christians would say that the Sabbath calls us to rest as God did on the 7th day of creation. In Matthew 11:28, “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Another verse to consider can be found in Mark 2: 27. In this scene, Pharisees were accusing Jesus and his disciples of working on the Sabbath since they were pulling heads off of grain in a field. Jesus’ replies, “The sabbath was made for man, and not man for the sabbath.”
There are many other incidences in the New Testament where Jesus is being condemned by the Pharisees for breaking the Sabbath. I am led to believe that the Sabbath became something that God did not intend. He wanted His children to find rest, however, it seems to have become a burden due to the rules attached by Jewish law. It created a sense of legalism rather than rest. Furthermore, Paul writes in Colossians 2: 13-17 (specifically verse 16) to not let men judge you based on the Sabbath. To read more about this subject as a whole, you may appreciate this article.
Are there more than 10 commandments?

In the New Testament, the Lord also commanded us to seek forgiveness of our sin through repentance and be baptized (Acts 2:38 and I John 1: 7-9). To inspect other commands given to Christ followers, check out this exhaustive list of New Testament commands. You may also want to read, “Are the Sabbath laws binding on Christians today?“
Our conclusion...
For my family, teaching the ten commandments is still pertinent and applicable. I believe that the Ten Commandments should be taught with the insight of New Testament verses as well as scripture from the Old Testament. Let them see the whole picture and not just a list of do’s and don’ts. In the end, you want your children to recognize what a Christian looks like by the example Jesus gave us and the words He directed to his disciples. No matter what, read the scripture for yourself. You and your kids will learn so much just by diving in together to discover the Ten Commandments. Be blessed…
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