Transportation Cut & Paste Booklet

The Transportation Cut & Paste Booklet is a hands-on activity that reinforces beginning word sounds, fine motor skills, and listening skills. There are 16 modes of transportation featured in this booklet. Of course, all of our transportation favorites are included, plus more! Some transportation words included are car, truck, boat, bus, wagon, motorcycle, airplane, van, bike, tractor, and more! The Transportation Cut & Paste booklet can be a stand-alone activity or work well within a transportation unit. Check out our other FREE Transportation Printables & Activities here!
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How to use this Transportation Booklet...
The prep needed to create this booklet is minimal. After printing out the PDF, cut pages 4-8 along the dotted lines. Staple the book in the top left-hand corner making sure to put the title page on the front cover. The other pages can go in whatever order you place them in. Your book is ready to go!

Next, have your student cut out the transportation pictures for some fine motor skill practice. After they cut out the pictures, lay them out in plain view. Now, it is time to glue the transportation vehicles on the correct pages. Open the book up to the first mode of transportation. Say the beginning sound of the word on the first page. So, for the word, “car,” say the “c” sound out loud. Then, ask your student if they see a picture that has that same beginning sound. Go through the different pictures saying the words and reiterating the sound we are looking for until your child can decipher the matching picture. If your child isn’t quite ready to pick out beginning sounds, then say the words out loud allowing your child to pick out the correct corresponding picture. This can be a great vocabulary builder for those younger kiddos.