Types of Galaxies Unit

Discover the TYPES OF GALAXIES in this mini-unit. Use the science slideshow, “What type of Galaxy do we live in?” and other activities to teach your students what a galaxy is, the 3 types of galaxies, and what galaxy we live in. Enjoy learning about space and all of its vastness in the TYPES OF GALAXIES MINI UNIT!
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What type of Galaxy do we live in? Slideshow
This slideshow focuses on what a galaxy is, the 3 types of galaxies, and what galaxy our solar system is in. Each galaxy is described along with pictures to demonstrate their general appearance. Use this slideshow and the activities below to learn all about galaxies.
Types of Galaxies Flipbook

Types of Galaxies Flipbook is an easy way to review information covered in the slideshow. You can either guide your student to take notes on the flipbook themselves or cut out the notes on the second page. Your student can glue the notes to the appropriate flips in their book to create a quick reference sheet for the three main types of galaxies. Creating flipbooks like this makes note-taking fun and hands-on.
Types of Galaxies Fill-in-the-Blank

All About Galaxies worksheet is a simple fill in the blank activity sheet. It makes a great review sheet or effective note taking tool. It was created to accompany the slideshow above. There is an answer key attached.
Galaxies Article with Comprehension Questions

This article is great reading material for any student desiring to learn about the main types of galaxies. To test a student’s knowledge and comprehension of the material, there are multiple comprehension questions presented throughout the reading. This is an article I used years ago with my students, so I am not sure as to who to give attribution. It was an appropriate article as it focused on the core information we were covering. The length is manageable and the writing is concise and interesting.
Galaxy YouTube Videos
Food for thought...
Looking for a more permanent science curriculum? Even though we pursue various science units that encompass labs and such, we also use a science textbook each year. Some might say that our science units supplement our textbook, while others would say the opposite to be true. The labs, experiments, graphic organizers, videos, and other activities bring the textbook information to life.

We use Abeka Science textbooks. I love that they incorporate God and His sovereignty into their curriculum. When I taught in the public school system, I noticed that many of my students were lacking in vocabulary. This made it difficult for them to understand the why behind many of our investigations. Unfortunately, they were deficient in their background knowledge. Our science time would be lacking too if it weren’t for the rich vocabulary and science language that we find in our science textbook and readers. If you are interested in shopping for a full-time science curriculum or even just a textbook to guide you, click on the following link! Happy homeschooling!