Vocabulary Graphic Organizers

Are you looking for a new way to tackle vocabulary? Try the Vocabulary 4-Square Graphic Organizers. There are 13 options to choose from. These organizers will ask your student to define, illustrate, identify the synonym/antonym of a word, and or write a sentence using the word. Different variations are presented to meet many needs, including blank versions. Look at all of the Vocabulary Graphic Organizers available in this pack. You are sure to find just the right one!
*Be sure to check out our other 4-Square graphic organizers or our set of 7 Printable Book Reports!
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Why Vocabulary 4- Square Graphic Organizers

The first five vocabulary 4-square graphic organizers feature four guidelines for the student to complete on an assigned word: definition, synonym, illustration, and sentence. 2 blank versions are also included for your own convenience. This is convenient for teachers who want more flexibility or want to add their own personal touch. Once a student has written their vocabulary word in the center, he or she is required to define the word, find its synonyms, draw a picture representing the word, and then construct a sentence highlighting the vocabulary word. You have a choice between the single, double, or quadruple organizer.

The next two organizers add antonyms to the mix. Remember that antonyms are words that are the opposite of your vocabulary word. Synonyms are words that are similar to your word. I use the “s” in synonym to remind me of the “s” in similar. This graphic organizer would be appropriate for students in 3rd to 8th grade. However, I have seen these used for high school too!

To maximize space, the last six organizers offer room for four words per page. There is a blank organizer for those looking for an option not offered. Among the 13 4-square graphic organizers, there is sure to be one that works for you and your students.
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