Types of Landforms Project

Sometime in elementary school, students learn the different types of landforms and then again during their middle school years. I am starting to teach a 6th grade Earth Science course this year using the Apologia Earth Science textbook. There is a section outlining landforms.This is the text that we used for this activity book. However, there are several free resources that you can use to gather information for your Types of Landforms Project.
*Be sure to check out our other Social Studies resources.
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How to Implement the Types of Landforms Project
The Types of Landforms Project is a gentle way to move students towards doing a project independently. This type of mini-project is a perfect one for students to start with. As the year progresses, students are encouraged to move towards more dynamic assignments.
This year I am teaching an Earth Science class at a local co-op. We choose to use the Apologia science textbook. This activity was created to coincide with the section on plate boundaries and the landforms created.
You can choose to use any resources you want. what I love about these printables are their simplicity and ability to be used across many grade levels and in science, geography, or history class. You can pair them with educational YouTube videos or books from the library.
Consider a Rubric or Project Guide

I plan to use the rubric on the right for my class, however, the one on the left lists out the landforms listed in the Apologia book. I ask my students to focus on 10 landforms. You may be able to use one of these or not, but take a look, because it is helpful for students in a classroom setting to see what each task is worth.
*For strictly homeschoolers, I wouldn’t use the rubric except to explain to my student what to do.
Choose a Title Page Design

You can choose to have your students color the landform images on their title page or encourage them to draw their own to adorn their title page.
Inside Pages of the Types of Landforms Project

I assigned 10 landforms for my students to draw, describe, and give an example. You can choose to print the booklets into smaller versions or full page size booklets. If you want to print the smaller ones, just print 2 to a page.