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Types of Microscopes Pack


Our Types of Microscopes Pack includes 2 editable PowerPoints and guided notes. Make teaching this topic easy with these tools!

Types of Microscopes Pack

Our Types of Microscopes Pack includes 2 editable PowerPoints and guided notes. When teaching microscopes, our 1st Powerpoint, The History of Microscopes, is ideal. It lays out the basis for how microscopes got their beginning and how they have evolved into pieces of technology that can see beyond anything we could have imagined. The History of Microscopes has 19 editable slides that mark a timeline of how magnification changed science.

The second PowerPoint presentation is the main one offered in this pack. The Types of Microscopes PowerPoint has 30 editable slides. It focuses on the two main types of microscopes: light and electron microscopes. Each type of microscope is explored including the two types of microscopes in each categories. The differences and similarities are distinguished between the two main types of light microscopes while taking a closer look at the two most popular types of electron microscopes.

The Guided Notes included follow the Types of Microscopes PowerPoint. These scaffolding notes leave blanks for the students to fill in. The notes encourage students to pay attention and stay on task while teacher is presenting new information. These guided notes make an excellent addition to a science notebook. Terms are defined and described. The last page asks students to answer a critical thinking question. You can choose to include this or not.

If you have any questions, please ask before purchasing. To see our Parts of a Microscope Pack, check it out here! You can access our other microscope resources here. To see all of our science units, visit our science page!

Thank you for looking and take care!

Types of Microscopes PackTypes of Microscopes Pack